How to best track ADA purchases and purchase data?

Hi all I hope I make sense here.

I use CoinBase and Bittrex and haven’t been disciplined to this point with keeping track of my trades.

I have been investing and know my total coins but am not sure how to figure out at what price I purchased at time of the trade. Does Daedalus show this? Does CoinBase and Bittrex have this data?

So I’m seeking some advice on how best to go back and find this info so I can better learn about my ADA purchases over time.

Thank you for any suggestions and help.

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I use You can export your data from most major exchanges and import it on that site, for free up to I think 200 trades.

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Thanks for the advice!

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On Bittrex, simply go to the Orders tab at the top. Scroll down and you’ll see your purchase history for Ada. It will show you the actual BTC (or ETH) price you paid for each trade.

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Thank you for the tip.