How to send Sundae token from Daedalus to Nami wallet

I received my Sundae tokens via DripDropz for staking ADA during the Sundae Swap ISO. I would like to send them to my NAMI wallet. Are there instructions on how to do this?

All I seem able to do is send ADA.

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Use the “Add a token” button:

(It appears only after you have set an address. Whyever.)

Where did you find this screen? I’ve seen it before but now I can’t seem to find it.

When you go to send and after you give an address, it appears automatically.


Did you manage to solve the issue? I am having the same problem.
I get to the screen with ‘add token’ etc. Have tried a few times to transfer out some of my sundae tokens onto my CoinEx account , but only ADA transfers show up.

Can someone advise if they are able to successfully move Sundaetoken out of their Daedalus wallet?
