Is there anyone out there that knows how to view and or transfer my ADA from my Nano X and back into my Yoroi Wallet or any wallet for that matter. I have no way of viewing my ADA. PLEASE HELP!


  • open cardano app in your ledger
  • open Yoroi, click on add Shelley wallet (if it is Shelley, if not Byron) - click on connect Ledger - follow the message from ledger (export KEYS) - and u should be able to see ur funds from ledger

If you want to move them to another simple wallet you must create a simple wallet in Yoroi

  • add wallet (Shelley wallet) - write the name and spending password, copy and bkp the 15 seed words for future restore
  • after go to ledger wallet and move ADA to simple Shelley wallet


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Hi Alex,

Thank you very much mate!

I can now view my balance!

You saved my ass!

Kindest Regards,


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Hi Alex,

Is there any 2FA or Locking option with my Yoroi Wallet?

It seems like my ADA just sits there without even a password being required to transfer my funds?




Try to make a transaction… it will ask for the spending password :wink:

And don’t forget to delegate ur ADA in order to receive rewards!


Hi Alex,

Thank you very much once again; i will look into delegating now…

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Hello again Alex,

Im looking to Stake my ADA which is currently sitting in my Byron-era Yoroi Wallet.
I have created a new Shelly-era Wallet in Yoroi but i am unable to send my ADA from my Byron-era Wallet to this new Shelly-era Wallet citing network errors.

I have also downloaded the full Daedalus Wallet and tried to send ADA from my Byron-era Yoroi Wallet to Daedalus but was once again met with a network error message.

Could you help me with this issue at all please mate?

Cheers again…


Is it possible to restore a Yoroi wallet that was originally created with a Ledger device, using ONLY the seed recovery phrase? Assume the Ledger were lost/ stolen and unable to be replaced. How would you restore your wallet using only the seed phrase? I’ve tried several times, and I just get a new, zero balance wallet - not the same Yoroi wallet I funded with the Ledger.

Nope, it’s not possible

Hello Alex,

Please disregard this request i have solved this issue…

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Hmmm…that’s a pity bc it marries the fate of our funds to that of Ledger. What if the company were to go bankrupt or experience a massive security breach of their hardware wallet? From the perspective of a long term hodler that’s a significant counterparty risk.