How to Vote on Catalyst Proposals

Thanks to the posters for all the information above. I have put quite a bit of work into my own Catalyst proposal and I couldn’t even tell you when the voting is going to start or end, nor where I would go to look that up when the time comes.

The main reason for this is that the only source of information seems to be this chatty, amateurish “Town Hall” video format without a single descriptive web page ever released to go along with it. The timeline seems only to be in hindsight after things have already happened, with email announcements that only refer to video links which I can tell you I haven’t had the time or interest to watch… when I consider how efficient the alternative “web page” format would be, i.e., the standard used by the rest of the world.

This ambiguity, inefficiency and disruption to the proposal experience from the top (creation) to the bottom (voting) level is based on the popular misconception that “releasing” something on video constitutes a proper release. If anyone can point out a single web page, even a forum link, where the relevant questions here have been answered, please let me know and I will stand corrected.

Until then I hope people will please consider the ongoing Catalyst communication & information failure as the most glaring example of the “chatty video standard” problem endemic to the Cardano community :face_vomiting:

I urgently need to update the related Cardano Improvement Proposal which my Catalyst Proposal (Weblinks to Stakepools & Portfolios) links to, and I have no idea when I can even do that because of the ambiguous Catalyst schedule. :nauseated_face: Please note I don’t want simply to criticise those responsible… only to find out if and when this crippling problem will ever be solved for Catalyst in particular, and most urgently to get the voting start & end dates so I can arrange my related material accordingly.

:pray: @Dor_Garbash ???