I can't transfer my ADA on YOROI with NANO S

I have problems with transfering of my ada on Yoroi. Every time I want to transfer I get a malfunction. Please Help

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Try to connect your ledger via adalite.io and try to make the transaction there.

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I fixed the problem. Thank you for your response.


I am having a very similar issue. let me break it down for you, first off. the issue is happening on both mobile and desktop. in regards to the desktop. iā€™m attempting to WITHDRAW MY STAKED REWARDS. every screen works fine all the way up until confirm. then takes me to a screen where it just says loading for about 5 seconds and then i get ā€˜Network error. please check your internet connectionā€™ but my connection has never been faster.

also when i go to SEND my ADA from YOROI maybe itā€™s giving me a hard time because itā€™s staked and needs to be unstaked before i send it?? if thatā€™s the case then i need help unstaking first. iā€™m connected with my ledger X and everything.

on my mobile YOROI. when i go to Withdraw my STAKING rewards/ AND OR SEND i get these errors. (see next post)
I had a second yoroi wallet that had no ledger connection or staking and could always send fine no problem. also my ledger works with every other asset no problem. now combining the two and they seem to always give me an error.
I saw that you have been recommended to go to adalite.io

iā€™ve headed over to the website but Iā€™m just going to enter my YOROI mnemonic phrase? like how do they connect to one another.
iā€™ve been struggling with this for over a month and just found out about the forum. please someone help if possible. thank you so much


hereā€™s one of the screens i constantly get.

as well as this one & like i said i have great connection. iā€™m always connected to the internet.
iā€™ve seen many people say they have got their problem resolved after you referring them to adalite.io

very interested and want to know more because i do need help please!!:raised_hands:

No usually you dont have to do that. Yoroi has currently some issues.

No you dont have to enter your seedphrase.
Simply go to the website and click on ā€œhardware walletā€ to connect your Ledger.

SO much help!!! thank you so much not enough words to show my grattitude right now!