This summary captures the significant updates from Intersect July Update – MENA Townhall meeting, including the latest Cardano node release, community hub activities, upcoming events, community tooling progress, and important reminders for members.
Transcription :
Rami : Hello everybody, hope all is well, Rami Seidu thank you for tuning in I received a message, Chris will be joining later so we will begin right now. Last time we had an intersect update for Mena was uh around a month ago so there’s a lot of news to cover. So what will happen in this uh meet or session is we will talk about the latest update which was entitled intersect update 23 and um I did a small summary of all the other updates that happened before 23 which are from 19 till 22 and, I will send it to the WhatsApp group for everyone who would like to see all the updates that happened since a month back until now; but for now for this presentation we will cover the latest one which is update 23, so we are all in the loop of what’s Happening, as latest news I will share my screen now, okay I’m sorry I assume that you are seeing my screen now, sorry so intersect July 2024 update Mena Town Hall last time we had a similar one but for June 2024, so for uh the agenda what we will be covering is um the node 9.0 release and SPO upgrade call, Community hubs update, upcoming events, intersect Town Hall schedule, community tooling updates, core infrastructure road map working group, open source office and YouTube channel, so updates about Discord and YouTube channel, member survey , maintenance notice and reminders, and in the end we will share the most useful links, so along the way we will have useful links uh obviously I’ll send this presentation to you guys on WhatsApp, and uh if you click control and press on or whichever link you like you can it ,you will be redirected to read more information about what we’re talking about. So we start with node 9.0 cardano node has arrived uh this release signifies the completion of primary development work for the bootstrap phase of onchain governance this uh upgrade or release includes support for plutus V1 reference scripts and CIP-69 Pluto script signature support , and there’s urgent upgrade for stake pool operators for more information we can click on the link below, we can click here also we can read more about this matter by clicking on this link here to move forward. Community hubs Cardano Codex 2024 we can click on the link to see more about the work, it’s basically a presentation in India with 200 100 plus students special thanks to Nucast and Emurgo for making this happen, in Japan there was a discussion on intersect and DAOs, the date was July 19th so around 10 days ago, eight days ago or a week and you can see uh what happened in this link here it will redirect you to the Twitter space uh that happened CoinCeylon, I hope I’m saying this uh correctly in Sri Lanka successful launch event on July 16th involvement of Business Leaders, Tech Community and media again W as usual very hardworking Africa town hall on July 18th at 16 UTC had an update, um for their Community Hub they had a meeting, so let’s talk about upcoming events blockchain Rio that’s uh Rio in Brazil, so uh we can click on the link below the date is July was July 24 25 so two three days ago featuring Latam Hub launch, and keynote by Alex Pestchanker, I hope I’m saying this correctly Drep workshop on July 26th, so it’s uh it was yesterday virtual Drep Workshop the date was July 21st you can register here you well it’s in the past, and Argentina digital Nation happened or actually is happening on July 31st and Buenos Aires keynote speaker also is Alex Pestchanker. Rare Evo is having an event in August 15 and 17 from 15 till 17 in Las Vegas. So we go to intersect Town Hall schedules, the next town hall is uh was July 25th at uh 4M UTC hosted by swarm, we can click uh on the link for swarm to know more about the work they are doing, and future dates are August 22 September 26 October 24 and November 28, so we can make sure to watch these Town Halls uh, the zoom sign up is here as we can see next uh slide not sliced the next slide is about current grants let’s hop in the current grants so it’s uh about the title is community tooling update, and the grants are for Vesper wallet a Governance matters and Minimum attack Vector dashboard so obviously there’s links and we can read more by clicking control and clicking on these uh Milestone forms that are submitted by these projects. Discord and YouTube update so on Discord we have open source office uh I’m sorry this is on uh YouTube there’s uh new videos and we can subscribe to the YouTube channel related to intersect here and concerning Discord core infrastructure road map working group, that’s a new working group Discord announcement Channel, you can join Discord if you haven’t joined it so far from the links below uh there is a member survey that will take 10 minutes of your time you can take the survey by clicking the link below, now for uh the last slide maintenance notice and next bi-weekly committee report so the next bi-weekly committee report is due next week with updates on committee and working groups here on we can click on this button you can view the last committee report and concerning maintenance there’s a scheduled maintenance which uh obviously uh we passed it uh it was on July 18th and the notice was full functionality expected to return by July 22nd so this the latest update, update 23 for intersect was one week ago almost um somewhere between one week and two weeks ago now finally of course as usual we have the important links intersect knowledge base where we get detailed information on governance committees and funding, very useful ,intersect website to get the latest news on the road map updates ,gov tool which is very important also to participate in governance testing and ,Community interactions Discord link telegram group link you can join working groups, of course the socials so Twitter or X and Linkedin so we can follow on Twitter and Linkedin for updates, I see that uh um maybe this time we should have uh pushed the meeting a bit later um because we were three and now four but let’s see um uh everyone the feedback of everyone watching this meeting on YouTube ,because it will be uploaded and uh here is thank you presented by myself, Rami, furthermore I will share to Whatsapp another um PowerPoint also I’m opening it right now so give me a second, sorry about that just a moment we’re having a slight technical problem I’m um probably going to edit out, uh this waiting time from the final video so sorry about that e okay here we go share screen and now you can see the other PowerPoint presentation which covers the 19th until the 22nd intersect update, so these updates along with the previous video which is now out on YouTube covered the June and July uh, here we see update 19 we can see all the updates update 20 update 21 and update 22 we can see all the information and along with, uh today’s video and today’s presentation for anyone interested, I’ll share all these uh all this information with you, now I will stop sharing my screen um really thank you for joining everyone um next time I guess we will try to push it a bit more so more people can join in and um I hope everyone um is doing fine um anyone has any questions because we don’t want to um keep uh keep you for so long ,okay I assume everyone is fine so again ,thank you for joining intersect update 2,3 or intersect update for July uh for Mena Town Hall uh, next meeting will be somewhere around the end of uh August, still not sure of the date, I will keep you guys up to date and I will share all the useful links with you after I close this video,
And for everyone that uh didn’t or wasn’t able to attend they can still watch the video on YouTube, so thank you again a lot guys and have a good weekend bye-bye!