Introducing (a little late) VALENCE [VLNS] to the Cardano Community

Hey Cardano community,

I just realized that I forgot to introduce my pool in this medium. My name is Kristiyan and I am the owner and operator of Valence [VLNS] stake pool! I have spent most of the time since the last bull run in 2017 on the sidelines silently cheering Cardano, but decided to take a leap into taking part of the community in December 2019. And what an amazing year it has been with Shelly and Goguen on the way now. Very excited for what lays ahead for Cardano and our community.

Some information on my pool:

Pool Name: VALENCE
Pool Ticker: VLNS
Pledge: 870,000
Fixed Fee: 340
Margin Fee: 0.49%
Current Lifetime ROS: 5.16% (as of 1/20)

Pool ID: 45db53a3789c6d03a447741cd526fbed788380077efc880521ba9dd9

Operator Experience

I am a Senior Software Engineer with more than 5 years of experience in the industry. I have always been excited for new technology whether it is a new device, service or a groundbreaking platform like Cardano.

What’s VLNS’s setup?

I have decided to utilize Google Cloud Platform to host the block producer and relay nodes that power VLNS. One of the mission statements of Cardano is sustainability and GCP provides a commitment to 100% renewable energy. Furthermore, the reliability of the cloud bundled with my expertise as a stake pool operator ensures that VLNS will be always available to support the community and mint blocks to provide the rewards that our stake delegators seek.

We are currently running 2 relay nodes in US and Europe and a block producer node in the US. So far we have minted 7 blocks successfully which is 100% assigned performance.

What are we looking forward to?

Our main purpose for running a stake pool is to help Cardano’s decentralization and also to help it secure the spot of the best blockchain there is. As of January 20th, we are slowly making our progress to a charity program that we are hoping to outline and announce soon. What we can guarantee right now is our commitment to reliability, sustainability, the community, and our delegators!

Choose VLNS! Delegate to VLNS!