Introducing ADA North Pool [ANP]

Hello all I am Eystein Hansen and I run ADA North Pool. You can find info on my pool on

In short if you want to support a home built server by someone who cares for Cardano and is trying not just making money on the pool but making sure the overall network health is good as well then I am one of the pool operators you should consider.

Our homepage with a lot of info and updates: (and about page:


What has ANP done so far:

  1. Been active in the community through twitter / youtube
  2. Contributed to so far 3 episodes of Cardano Effect (69 64 and 58)
  3. Built our own home server with powerful hardware that runs on little power. (at most 65 watt but most day to day much less than this)
  4. Upgraded network equipment to be data center / carrier grade type of equipment (I think at this point I have a faster router than my ISP provider has on the other end LOL) and this is important to have the capacity for a larger number of connections that means I can both see a large part of the network fast and also gossip to a large part of the network.
  5. Made custom scripts and customizing scripts of others in the community to monitor and keep server and nodes running in optimal performance.
  6. Active in discussions on policy and taking clear stances on policy issues (protocol ban only, but warn deligators of multi leader pools damaging network etc.)
  7. Donated to Kiva and joined the Cardano Community lending team for Kiva.
  8. Made a large number of Ubuntu tweaks ranging from tcp/ip tweak to network kernel tweaks, also inspired guides like ILAP’s guide to use Chrony that now seems a standard or Chris’s usage of google BBR.
  9. Pledged to run a single pool and only adding nodes to help with health of the network.
  10. Pledged to run normal or high number of connections and not block / ban for optimal performance at the expense of overall network.
  11. Data collection and analyse together with other pool operators to understand network better while still ongoing contributions to the testnet that is not incentivized.
  12. Operating web server and soon also our own SSL certificate to cut costs (we use 1 year of godaddy)
  13. Added monitoring scripts so users can also monitor performance of server / jormungandr
  14. Recording historic moments from the ITN and going forward as I believe it is important to document this for the future :

That is on top of my head I am sure I forgot some things as well as its been quite a ride! Personally I have been active since December 2017 and for example I was active as a guardian in trying to change the leadership of Cardano Foundation.

Future plans:

  1. Become a company in Norway once we see if we have stable income. We have a very low fixed fee once hardware costs are earned back (1/2th there so far) and currently costs is less than 65 watt of power drawn and the slight usage of the 1GB fiber we have. Due to the way the tax system in Norway work we are encouraged to funnel a lot of income into growth so its a clear goal to grow with the ecosystem.
  2. Preparing for smart contracts with possible aiming to become an oracle for smart contracts if needed by the Cardano protocol. (currently learning Haskell).
  3. Add an extra fiber for redundancy together with 5G. Combined with already installed UPS we should have a very redundant system that is on site and monitored every day.
  4. Considering also hosting web pages for other pool operators as our server capacity is underutilized as a favor to the network
  5. Possibly going ahead with one of my ideas (Family Connect) to help family members abroad efficiently allow other family members onshore to spend money without large losses in transfer fees and helping merchants enable this and other services for merchants so they would wish to adopt this service see: Possible idea for family economic connection
  6. Possibly looking into making a legal DSL for Cardano:
    Bitlaw a legal system with a DSL for Cardano governance
  7. Actively pursue social contracts / alliances between pool operators and community to strengthen the ecosystem.
  8. Possibly engaging into the Norwegian Cardano community to develop and nourish it further with information and support.

Okay, that was an amazing introduction. :ok_hand: Thank you @Eystein_Hansen


Thanks Adatainment. I am a big fan of your AMA summaries on :slight_smile:


Will definitely be staking with you soon… I’m doing the rounds of who deserves it, good to get the opportunity to stake with the people who’ve put so much into the community. Thank you :clap:t2:


Great introduction @Eystein_Hansen! Thanks for all the quality contributions. :smiley:


Video introduction:
if you prefer a bit lower background music:


Added a new shorter video introduction that will only take 1.5 minutes of your time.


Added a hardware introduction video that will take 3,5 minutes of your time:


@eystein_Hansen It does seem you genuinely care. That’s exactly what I’m looking for. I am also a KIVA supporter for many years, recently joining my account to the Cardano Team. I hope I can stake with you. I am not techie. I’m still learning and new. I like your statute with the crystal. (I have read over the years how quartz crystals can help improve energy efficiency, too.) All the best, Eystein.


I am confused by this showing ‘undelegated’ now, when I did indeed delegate to ANP today. Can one of you help me understand, please? Under the heading Stake Pools, it does say, though, pools you’ve delegated to - ANP 247.
Thank you so much.

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That is perfectly fine. It means your current status is “undelegated” and it will be “ANP”.

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Ok, because I honestly thought I had first seen it as ‘delegated’, and in the colour of green directly after delegating (haha :joy: omg am I losing it?) idk Thank you so much. :grin:

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Ohh just saw this as I have been super busy the whole day. Thanks @adatainment for letting Melanie know it was fine and thank you Melanie for delegating to me. Now that motivates me to push forward and for me that means when Voltaire :slight_smile

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I’ve also delegated to your pool. Keep up the good work.

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That means transition from UNDELEGATED > (to) ANPL, whihc takes time.

Also, you will never ever loosing your ADA by delegation, max only the interest on it, but incorrectly handling your funds’ mnemonics, your computer, etc.

Also, never ever give your written down word-mnemonics or password to anybody, even to your husband.:slight_smile:

Also, a good advice, never ever expose your funds or part of your funds, the evils are out there watching for their prospective preys.

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Thank you Necropuddi :slight_smile:

I added a pools information page to the website:

Added an advertisment on reddit that describes in detail my pools:


I was always a bit put off by the lack of information from many pools on the ITN about their connection to, and involvement in, the platform. It’s nice to know who you’re staking with. This amount of transparency is refreshing.


HI, ADA North Pool, Nice Meet you. I have seen a lot of ADA North Pools.

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Thank you Ghostweel. Transparency is important to me. For example you can see my pool live on the monitoring page. While yes this could mean a hacker could look live how the system resources went up or down I have put into place enough redundancy measures that I believe the pros of being transparent outweights the cons and frankly a hacker could only touch the public relays unless he somehow got hold of the private relays ip or the core pool ip. And even then there are plenty other redundancies I have described in detail in the above posts. I also wish to improve with security audits and if I get enough delegation stable over time to form a company this will probably be my next step as I think security is something you can always improve on.