Hello to all of the Cardano community,
My “Cardano Straight ADA Stakepool” aims to secure the Cardano network by running a competitive 24/7 pool on decentralized infrastructure maintained by IT professionals. The low fees ensure longevity and sustainability of the pool, there is no other purpose, thus the name of our pool. This pool intention is to provide reliable Cardano infrastructure / protocol service with high desirability for you as a delegator.
Operator: Slacker (in Telegram @Slacker1)
Telegram group
Name : Straightpool
Ticker : STR8
Pool ID: 3a192bc7285d7ddfd77c0b854b4008bbf4c5fe53d1ad42770f6ffdf9b3d4c7d6
Tax fee : 0 ADA
Tax (%) : 4.0%
Tax cap: 0 ADA
I am located in Germany as is my pool on hardware which has currently double the spec IOHK has defined as minimal spec to ensure smooth operation.
As I am an IT professional with many years of experience running private servers, running a Cardano stakepool is a lot of fun to me. I do strongly believe in the values and vision of Cardano and want to do my part to help the ecosysystem grow by running the STR8 pool.
I do monitor my pool tighly with multiple scripts like failover to select the healthiest node of two, or to watch out for signs of any node being stuck too long or throwing a bad error.
With the ITN network finally stabilizing we created 2 blocks in the last epoch 45 successfully with an ROI of 643.9% as reported by pooltool, I of course send my poolstats to.
Let me know on any of the available channels if you have any questions on my pool.
I highly appreciate anyone already delegating to me or planning to do so. I will do my best to get you the rewards you deserve for being an early adopter of Cardano!
Straight ahead and upwards!