Introducing SAVE - Staking with commitment to permanently low Fees [SAVE]

Dear Cardano Community!

Just a view moments ahead of the new Epoch I’d like to announce my stakepool [SAVE].
My main goal is to support the network, so I mind this undertaking as a non-profit.
Since it is quite hard to get some initial stake I’ve set the margin to 0%.
And I will keep 0% margin at least for 3 month. Commiting to never get above 0.8%.

Hope this is motivation enough to consider it.
The more of you joining, the more attractive the server will get which should allow to operate it permanently hopefully!

Pool Details:
Ticker: [SAVE]
ID: 22cda0a4a533ba5de8fccf6dd0979a699c06b186ab6d84f022caee00
Pledge: 15k ADA
Fixed costs: 340 ADA
Variable costs: 0% (for 3 month, then 0.8%)

1 core node, 1 relay (2nd is following in the next days)
Hosted in DE with redundant Internet and Power.
1 GBit Uplink

More details on:

Welcome to the club,

Also planning to get a pool up and running to support the network, i wish you the best of luck!

Thank you!
Will need it. Starting without any Stake is not an easy Job i beliefe.
Hope there will be some calculation rules in the future which help to be attractive for delegation from also with lower stake.
Instead I propably there will never be more than 600 big servers (30 bn supply / 60 mio per server)…

Low pledge can be an issue, but slowly increasingpledge is an option?

if you find multiple people in your direct surroundings that also want to get in, consider running a pool that has multiple owners so you can stack your pledge together.

not sure if this is possible but i imagine it can be a good way to ramp up some momentum :slight_smile:

Well, just being rich would solve the problem :wink:

Title typos fixed – it’s worth taking care over these things guys! :smile:

Thanks for caring!

Pool retired!
Created a new Pool called VITAL now. Announcement will follow.