Invite: free Cardano stand - Help on banner design

Hey, guys!

I was invited “hold” an exclusive stand about Cardano project on a Blockchain event here in Brazil. Free of charge and with a free banner.

Link fo the event:

I think it could be a good opportunity. Would means a $1000 saving. What do you think? It’s a adoption event.

Condition: develop our banner design.

Since I’m not a designer, I’m coming here to ask some help.

They advised me about the banner metrics:

Black box: Cardano’s logo, necessarily;
final format option 1: pdf, 300 dpi, open format;
final format option 2: cdr, Corel Draw format;
Outside the black box: “free, but not much polution”;

Since we don’t have much time, a simple design would be better than a optimal one with more details.

Events dates: 09/June/2019 and 22/June/2019

Thanks! :mage:

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