Is anybody who attened to London meet-up yesterday?

I live in Korea and could not attened the meet-up which was held yesterday in London.

Is anybody who was participated in this activity and let us know what kinds of conversation had.
(I know that it was similar with informal meeting, but any news will be welcome to us to share).


Hi @EdwardKim,

I attended the meetup and had a lot of conversations with the team and other participants.The meet up itself was sort of a test run, it was very informal, the venue was amazing and the people there were awesome (i am editing video footage that i made so you can get a sense of what it was like). We talked about the tech, philosophy, politics and life in general.

Here are some scoops, they are working to create a community logo for us to use without legal issues (i guess the name and logo are trademarked to be able to take down scam sites), they are working on a strategy that would benefit the community and the official marketing team so that there is a clear distinction as to what is official marketing and what is not.

There was representative of fitch (a rating agency) so i am assuming they will also be rating Cardano in the future.

I talked to Kentaro Yoshioka who works as a strategist for Emurgo and he told me they are looking to expand their operation to Dubai next month. They are actively working towards getting more development teams into acceleration programs. If you have an amazing idea for a dApp make sure you send an email to

There is speculation that Choskinson will be there for the next meet-up! :sunglasses:, which might be in 2 - 3 months.

There were free cardano shirts for attendees, I’m hoping for hoodies next time :wink:.



Awesome, thanks for the summary of the meetup! That’s some nice info for everyone here.

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Sorry to leave the comment late.

For a few days I have not checked the community since there is nobody answered on my question.
And… Finally I got the news about meet-up in London.

It is great to know what’s going on there by you and happy to hear that.

Thanks a lot!