Ledger Nano X supports 100 coins & bluetooth

The new Ledger Nano X supports bluetooth and 100 coins.

On my ‘old’ Ledger Nano S I could only install 4 coin wallets.

As an alternative in one of his video’s Chales showed a new hardwarewallet/cryptocard which holds Ada in the range of $2 dollars each. But that one does not have a display.

We can all update this wiki with new info:


Just got my Ledger Nano X yesterday - you can install the Cardano app on the device, but Ledger Live (mobile, Android) won’t let you create a Cardano account.

You can’t use it with Ledger Live software directly. You need to use a wallet like Yoroi https://yoroi-wallet.com/ or Adalite https://www.adalite.io/

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Tried Yoroi on desktop, and just tried ADALite. Neither of those are working over USB for the X. I have been able to use both with the S however.

Sorry for some reasons I’ve read “Nano Ledger S”. I don’t own a X but it looks like there has to be an update first.

As far as I know the ledger nano x is only compatible with Ledger live thus no Ada on the X for us as long as no ledger live for Ada.

No, you can already connect to Nano X via yoroi/adalite, but via USB for now

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Confirmed - working with Adalite over USB on the X.