Moving from old vm to new vm - CNTOOLs to CoinCashew

Hello! :slight_smile:

I’ve been trying to figure out how to move my old priv folder from my old block producer vm work on a new vm, I used to use CNTOOLs but now am using coincashew! I got the block producer and relays to sync 100%, but unsure how to make my old priv folder work with coincashew. Seems like it’s held in a different location with different names and everything. I tried renaming and moving files to the right spots (after backing up the priv file first) but every time I restart the block producer it still shows as a relay and not acknowledging my new file locations and name changes. Any help or insight would be greatly appreciated!! :slight_smile:

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Can I know why switching from CNTOOLS to Coincashew? I prefer to use CNTOOLS.

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