Sent ADA from a Coinsmart address to a ABRA ADA address. Was for my brother. Had previously sent him ADA at this address. Asked him before this tx if it was same address. He said yes. He is also quite new. We did not know to actually look first. Assumed it would be reusueable. Transaction completed on Coinsmart side. Cardano explorer shows transaction confirmed. Address in explorer shows wallet balance as it should be for the transaction. 154 confirmations last time I looked. In preparation for Mary hard fork I’m assuming, ABRA was performing maintenance on ADA wallet addresses and posted a notice on the ADA wallets that deposits to ADA wallets were unavailable and to not send ADA to previously used addresses. My question is, if the blockchain confirmed the transaction, is it actually on the old address? He has the keys for the wallet. Will it be a situation like Yoroi with Byron and Shelley, where they will have access to Shelley addresses as well as Mary addresses for some time? Does the blockchain conforming it and displaying proper balance expected mean it is safe somewhere?
Yes to all questions; u need to contact ABRA support team and request a clarification from them; if they will migrate ur funds to a new address u should see also the ADA from the last transaction, but they need to confirm to you;
Thanks so much, what a hasty reply! I understand how it works that once it’s confirmed, it’s no longer Cardanos problem, but figured someone on here would know if it’s safe or not, and not just zapped into the upside down somewhere. So he would need to use his keys to restore a Shelley wallet likely once the upgrade is complete, and then send from that one to new Mary wallet? I wouldn’t expect a fast reply from ABRA. Says they’ve disabled the chat on the app due to high demand. Just don’t want him to lose his investment if it all goes north. He’s not that proficient at this. And it should go without saying, evidently neither am I haha.
Will not be the case to move ada from shelley to Mary wallet… preparing for Mary era means just a wallet update in order to support new features… once the ABRA will complete the updates, the funds should be available again. But maybe you will need to contact them and let them know about ur transaction