We’re currently running two relay nodes. One in Europe and one in New York. They’re both up and operating fine and both showing in the topology.json.
These are the peer counts for the two nodes.
Could there be a reason for the low peer count on the USA relay? Or is it nothing to worry about? Both have been running for a couple of days and are processing TX etc aok.
If it is in the topology.json it takes a while before other nodes start to connect to it. I would say matter of time. Specially if those 4 nodes are not your own nodes.
It’s actually been in the topology file for about 3 days. And the second node where all the connections are was only added to it yesterday. Very strange.
The node IP’s are (Lots of peers) (Not many peers)
I think it is the opposite. You do not push, but others pull from you, so you need IN connections to get your blocks propagated to the network and OUT connections to keep your own tip and mempool upto date.
Yeah the issue i have is the other node was only build last night (and is already filled up with IN’s) This one has been operating for days and basically has nothing.
I’m having this same issue where the RTT is — which is very odd, any ideas what might cause this? I think it’s the reason I’m not producing blocks at the moment.
The important question here is: are you using p2p or not? If you haven’t p2p enabled then you’ll have to use some topology updater script to make your relay visible to other relays. With p2p enabled the relay discovers other relays through p2p protocol.
i’m on preview network using default settings so should be enabled, I made a recent post under here with images of the issue. It shows the relays glLiveView saying peer to peer enabled in all cases. Even after I fixed the issue in this particular post RTT still is showing nothing. Am I missing some install maybe that glLiveView uses to do this calculation?
Oh man. gLiveView is quite a massive script. Very difficult to audit if you didn’t write it. I don’t use it because you are essentially outsourcing your trust especially if you blindly accept it downloading and updating itself. This gLiveView tool and the other tools downloaded with it, have vastly different security auditing practices, and number of eyes looking at them, compared to the standard tools provided by your Linux distribution.
Probably better to look at the code in gLiveView and see if there is anything in it you really want.
You can use standard tools like curl to pull the information you need:
You can also use the ss tool to look at established connections. If you don’t like the output then you can write your own script to format it how you want. You could even use “cardano-cli ping”. You can steal ideas from gLiveView if you like how it is presenting things.