Please help me

So, I just tested it and Trust Wallet seems to use the same derivation as any other Cardano wallet app. I could just restore the wallet created by Trust Wallet in Eternl and get the exact same receive address. I don’t know why you got different wallets between Trust and Yoroi (Yoroi doesn’t support 12 words, though).

@Agnum: So, this means: If problems with Trust Wallet are not resolved, you can just restore your wallet with your seed phrase on (or in the extensions or mobile apps installed from there),,, … and send to Binance from there. You are not restricted to only use Trust.

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Hello friends
I sent some Cardano to an address with Elipal Titan, after announcing the completion of the sending process and the success of the process. The amount has not been added to the wallet and it is not even in the history section of the Elipal software!!! What possibilities can be raised in this case and what is the solution???

Never heard of Ellipal before.

If they have given you a transaction ID, you can search it on You can also look at the source and/or target address there to see what really happened on the Cardano blockchain.

Otherwise, their customer support would probably the place to go to.