Please help With new Yoroi iOS wallet

Hey everyone. I am hoping to get some help with the new Yoroi iOS wallet. I downloaded it today, Iv held ADA since 2018 but didn’t participate in The ITN (:sleeping: I know) After setting up Yoroi I seen the option to “Create Wallet (SHELLEY TESTNET)”. I’m just wondering would I still be able to participate in the ITN rewards, even though the snap shot was taken weeks ago?

I originally downloaded Yoroi to stake my Ada after accepting the fact I had missed the ITN but when I seen the option to create the wallet it made me think again? I’m a noob to all this so please go easy on me… thanks In advance for any advice you may have :+1:t4:

You have to “convert” your old Byron wallet, which actually means creating a new Shelley one and transferring your ada from B to S. I’m not familiar with the mobile version of Yoroi so can’t go into more detail, but that’s the basic procedure.

Thanks Rob, so is the answer no, I can’t still participate it the ITN? I currently have my Ada on Binance so what way will that work in order to stake on Yoroi? Iv seen people trying to withdraw from binance to Yoroi only to find the adress is invalid?

No, it’s yes! :grinning: I believe so anyway, as I said I’m not familiar with Yoroi mobile. But I don’t see any reason why not. I wrongly assumed you were using Yoroi previously, if not then there’s no Byron wallet needing conversion. Instead, all you have to do is create a new Shelley wallet in Yoroi, get a receiving address from it, then using that withdraw your ada from Binance. You’ll see your delegation options inside the Shelley wallet. There should be no “invalid address” type issues now.

Really? So the fact I bought Ada so long ago means I was automatically taken into consideration for the ITN screen shot? My funds were included?

Sorry, there’s some confusion there. The ITN was over and done with weeks ago. What we have now is mainnet staking, for which the snapshot happens every epoch, ie every five days. The next one is due on the 23rd at 9.45pm UTC.