Post governance vote - missing rewards and unstaked

Hoping someone can help advise
On 2nd Dec I clicked on Abstain for Governance and this did 2 things

  1. Claim rewards → is this expected? Also the rewards seemed to have been removed from the total amount now in my wallet - I can see in ledger live 16049.6 on the 2nd Dec dropped to 14525.7 thereafter. Rewards claimed -… Ledger live shows down 1524 ADA which was the rewards
  2. My ADA staked got unstaked → is that expected? Showing as not active, not delegating - stake1u9ljyqehzxepdwfwykmlj5ed7s9nyq5rd9z93h2jwlguy2gwm373g
    Thanks in advance for any help understanding this

Also - I am using Yoroi wallet, when I open the send tab - it’s completely blank - is this functionality not available via Yoroi? Receive seems ok


Ledger live isnt really the best UI/UX for Cardano.

And Yoroi is Yoroi :joy:

Would recommand to connect your Ledger with Typhon or Eternl.

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Can be done together with any transaction, but doesn’t have to. Wallet apps have different defaults/preferences there. Didn’t quite understand from the description if you did the delegation with Yoroi or with Ledger Live.

That doesn’t make no sense at all. As you can see on Cardanoscan or on if at all then the balance would have to be displayed as going up, not down.

Depends: If the wallet app or explorer displays the balance excluding rewards, then a withdraw would show them as incoming. But even before withdrawing, rewards already are in your full control and also already contribute to your stake, so it also makes perfect sense to show that as nothing changes, just an internal movement from the stake address to a base address.

Not at all. You either ticked the corresponding box in the wallet app by accident or it did something wrong.

By the way:

The transaction did not delegate to Abstain at all, it just withdrew your rewards and deregistered your stake key.

Should be available. If the page is blank, something’s broken.

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Thanks for looking into this and your reply. To the first question, all actions via Yoroi, no actions in Ledger Live.
I clicked on unstake initially and I recall a message saying I had to participate on the governance thing so I went there and clicked on abstain so I guess maybe it took the initial action to unstake as well into account.
Ledger Live showing it at 16049.6 and dropping to 14525.7 is confusing and the difference = the rewards amount
Send tab was showing blank for past couple of days for me but now I see it populated with expected fields
Thanks again for your input and help understanding, much appreciated!