Pretty interesting about Cardano project

Hey community! I’m aldebaran, from a galaxy far away… but now I’m living in Italy since 2016. I’m quite interesting about block chain and cryptocurrencies. I’m looking forward get my first ADAs and learn more about Cardano project.


Welcome Aldebaran! You got questions, the community has answers. Cardano is a great project but it’s a long term problem.

Hello and welcome to our community @aldebaran !

Before you get some ADA you should be aware of how to store them safely. I recommand you to download Daedalus or Yoroi, which is a Chrome Extension.

If you need any help, hit me up with a PM or ask here :slight_smile:

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Great! :+1: Thank you guys for ur answers and advices. Actually, I’ve just created Yoroi but I need to buy ADAs. Where is the best way to buy ADAs?

My suggestion is, a dutch company, but i don t know if you can join them from itally. Their costs are very low and they have a good service, are fast and a good price.
(EDITED by @Katsumoto; referral links not allowed.)
If you use this link you don t pay any costs over the first € 1000 you invest in ada. You can buy ada here and store/send to, in your yoroi, or you create a wallet at bitvavo.

Hi Harry! Txn u! Done!