Hi all,
New to ADA and crypto in general.
Have purchased a Ledger Nano X to store my various coins.
Have downloaded a Daedalus wallet, but it will not recognise my Nano X.
Any suggestions why?
Sorry if this is a stupid question or is in the wrong place.
Thanks in advance!
Hi, did you put the Cardano app on your Nano X via Ledger Live?
U will need the Cardano app installed on ledger then
Open daedalus - click pair and connect the ledger
Thank you. Yes I have already done that.
I have downloaded everything. I connect the ledger to the wallet and go through the steps until it asks me to export the public key. When I press the two buttons on my Ledger I get a error message saying it cannot connect daedalus.
Ok, then try the easiest way
Connect the ledger on adalite.io
Send 10 ADA for test
Disconnect the ledger
Connect the ledger again on adalite.io
If u see the 10 ADA it means is ok and u can send all ADA
Start delegate
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