qKesOnDiskOperationalCertificateNumber key is not greater than the value of the qKesNodeStateOperationalCertificateNumber key


the qKesOnDiskOperationalCertificateNumber key is not greater than the value of the qKesNodeStateOperationalCertificateNumber key ?

I am on pre-prod testnet, and i did rotate the KES and issued a new oiperational certificate, but when i look at the values of the keys named above, the qKesOnDiskOperationalCertificateNumber key is still 0, & the qKesNodeStateOperationalCertificateNumber key is still null.

Is that correct or should it be different ?

Best regards,

Have you had a read through this?

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Hello Jeremy,

Thank you for your replies.

Yes i have red it a couple of times and I did follow this to the end. I didn’t do the (setting the counter value part) since I did have the same value on both the qKesOnDiskOperationalCertificateNumber & qKesNodeStateOperationalCertificateNumber.

Maybe I understood something wrong, English is not my first language. I will read it a couple of times more.

Best regards

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I assume you have:

    "qKesNodeStateOperationalCertificateNumber": null,
    "qKesOnDiskOperationalCertificateNumber": 0,

I think it is due that you never minted a block. When you will mint a block qKesNodeStateOperationalCertificateNumber should become 0.

there is small comment in above mentioned guide about same situation as you have:

If the current value of the qKesNodeStateOperationalCertificateNumber key is null , then set the --counter-value option to zero (0 )

So I guess everything is fine in your case.


Thank you very much

Best regards,

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Just one question, to make it clear. 0 is (1) greater than null?

Best regards,

In this case I suppose so :slight_smile:

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