Hi there - I have been running my Stakepool since October last year and working real hard to try and get additional delegation from people in order to make my Stakepool a viable project. I believe I have it set up right from a technical perspective with everything working and I want my pool to contribute to the community through donations to mental health. Through conversations with others I know that it takes a lot of work marketing a pool to get the delegation and that is understandable. I thought then in order to try and get more delegation I would take to advertising on Twitter. However after repeated attempts I keep getting rejected by Twitter with then stating the following:
Our team manually reviewed your content and confirmed that it violates our Inappropriate Content policy.
Some examples of content that violate this policy include, but are not limited to: • Inflammatory or demeaning content • Misleading or misrepresentative content • Dangerous or violent content • Using or referring to COVID-19 / coronavirus terms • Sale of face masks and hand sanitizer
Does anyone know why this is so and if anyone else has been allowed to advertise on Twitter. I note that Twitter is full of Cardano Stakepools with people tweeting all the time but is it the case that you cannot advertise because running a Stakepool is a financial product or is it because some people think that it is misleading people or is it something else. I really appreciate any feedback from others as all I am trying to do is build up what is a legitimate product?
I don’t mention Covid at all except on my webpage where I am intended to support mental health in the UK due to the effects it has had on people during lockdown. If would be a little unfair of Twitter if that was a breach.
Hi there - I put a few tweets up that I wanted to promote - if you look at my profile at GNP1-Cardano Stakepool Follow for 20 FREE ADA @GrahamsNoPlus1
you can see my tweets. I am thinking that maybe because I am offering 20 free ADA for following they may not be liking that which seems strange as so many others are doing the same. Anyway I really want to comply with Twitter rules but I really need them to come back to me and tell me exactly what I need to change rather than repeated computer generated responses.
Thanks - yes I have sent several requests for a reason but they just keep sending back the automated response - not sure I can do much more as I have gone through all there contact points
Just got this from 5 minutes ago - this is now the 3rd identical response and each time I have gone back and asked them to explain but they just keep sending this.
Thank you for contacting Twitter Ads Support.
Our team manually reviewed your content and confirmed that it violates our Inappropriate Content policy.
Some examples of content that violate this policy include, but are not limited to:
** Inflammatory or demeaning content*
** Misleading or misrepresentative content*
** Dangerous or violent content*
** Using or referring to COVID-19 / coronavirus terms*
** Sale of face masks and hand sanitizer*
If you remove the violating content, please respond and we will re-review your account.
Well after six months of getting repeated computer generated responses from Twitter Ads I finally got them to say that I could not use their advertising services as it violates their Financial Products and Services policy. After looking at the conditions it would appear that you cannot advertise a Stakepool on Twitter because it falls under the Restricted globally section
The advertising of the following is restricted globally (please note that this list is not exhaustive):
Banking services and banking institutions
Loan products and services
Mobile and electronic payments
Mortgages and related services, including debt relief or assistance services
Investment advice, investment opportunities, and offers to increase wealth
Insurance products and services
Currency exchange, trading, and related services
Cryptocurrency exchanges*
Cryptocurrency “hot” wallets*
*Cryptocurrency exchanges and/or cryptocurrency wallet services provided by a public company listed on a major stock market may target permitted countries subject to local laws. Contact Twitter if you are interested in these options.
So it would appear that a Stakepool falls under ** Investment advice, investment opportunities, and offers to increase wealth***
I am just posting this for general information for those wishing to start up a Stakepool. I don’t want to get into a discussion on whether advertising on Twitter is the right approach or not but rather how Stakepools are being viewed by various media platforms.
I would be really curious to get views from others on whether they are having similar experiences or not.
The bottom line is that I want to run a Stakepool that is totally compliant with all rules for running a business in the UK with proper reporting of tax and capital gains increases etc. I also want to run a business with proper accounting and business accounts set up in the company name. This has been a massive challenge as very few banking institutions will allow this. I also want to be fully conversant with any potential rules and regulations regarding the running of a Stakepool. There are several thousand Stakepools now set up globally operating in different jurisdictions and unfortunately all the discussion appears to be around the technical side of running a Stakepool and not the compliance side. I really wish we could have more discussion in this area and a better understanding of how each Stakepool is running their operation. This is something we need to address before it comes back to bite us at a later stage.