Retire a stake pool without cntools?

The only delegators I have is my son and my wife and they both have been informed at breakfast about my intentions of shutting down the stake pool operations. That sorts any communication required with the delegators.

Looking for a guide on how to retire a stake pool with the following two goals in mind.

1) transfer the existing rewards from stake pool wallet to private wallet
2) recover the 500ADA deposit.

I set up my stake pool using coincashew guide that has recently been restructured and the pages that were describing how to transfer the stake pool rewards are returning 404.

The official guide in turn, mentions about “test” network, so I guess this documentation is outdated.

Can anybody point me in the right direction?


1) transfer the existing rewards from stake pool wallet to private wallet

2) recover the 500ADA deposit.

First, u will need to retire the pool then next epoch u will receive 500 ADA back as reward

  • how to retire
  • how to withdraw rewards



Many thanks for a speedy answer! Title well deserved.


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You’re welcome, :beers: