Retrieving lost ADA 2021 from a Daedalus wallet?

Complete beginner here, but I lost 10000 ADA … I’ve got a copy of the address from Binance I think i sent it to, and I remember Daedalus wallet being INCREDIBLY slow, but don’t recall even creating any seed phrases, I don’t know if I tried to use with Ledger Nano - which I also didnt understand but I do have the seed phrases for. Its SO difficult for a beginner to understand and use with confidence… :frowning:

Whats the address you sent your ADA to? Does it start with addr1?

If so, you can try to connect your Ledger with or, if not, you would have to wait for an update for because right now its not possible to use a Ledger with a Byron wallet (this wallet type doesnt start with addr1).

2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Cannot move ADA from Nami wallet