yes i accidently installed it on the producer, I have since removed it and still have this issue, I will update FW rules, Also do you have an idea about the pledge at the top of this post?
This must be the difference of the ADA pool registration fee of 500, I will transfer more shortly.
Also, I am running out of ideas… I have been trying to install topologyUpdater on my relay node as i have now closed all ports to the Block and it is working as intended,
After trying multiple times with ENV settings i think i finally fixed it but I now have a "Please do no send more then 1 request per hour issue, So i cannot update it and my relay and BP node have stop processing TX.
Any recommendations on what to do? for the relay i am using /home/“userid”/cnode, All my files are in folders in so for example Scripts, Config & db etc etc. So i have set these in the ENV, and i can only try a change every hour at the moment is that right?