I see rewards stopped earning in my wallets almost 4 days. I missed something important update or something changed?
I see rewards stopped earning in my wallets almost 4 days. I missed something important update or something changed?
currently there arent any more rewards left for the ITN. however there is atm a vote to extend testnet rewards for one month.
I am late. That is clear now. Sure it would be better to extend. I just wonder how many ada gave away during itn?
I believe it averaged around 95M per month.
95M per month is about 1Bil per year. if there will be 10 000pool will be 1bil per month and all ADA will be minted very fast
if there will be 10 000pool will be 1bil per month and all ADA will be minted very fast
That’s not how it works At high level (for a typical epoch in ITN):
lovelaces) defined in genesis.ok, also what happens if someone want to buy 1bil ada. What is that ada is not minted and not available in market? also if reward per epoch is fixed than ROI will be less if there will be more pools or they will need to increase the reward per epoch
if reward per epoch is fixed than ROI will be less if there will be more pools
Yes, but more pools does not mean more/less rewards. Rewards are based on blocks pools mint, which is based on probability of blocks assigned, propotional to delegation with the pool.
Please checkout the delegation specs for detailed understanding of how staking works.
if someone want to buy 1bil ada.What is that ada is not minted and not available in market?
This is totally unrelated and quite wide question to continue on this thread, will answer this one - but please open a new thread for new question in future.
In theory you cannot. But it depends on how your exchange (who dont use real crypto currency for “buy/sell”) works - but that would usually not be filled quickly , using OTC might be a seperate option but will have very big market impact.