Stuck at Syncing blocks 100.00% after upgrading

After reinstalling to latest version now my wallet is stuck at - Syncing blocks 100.00%.

Any idea on how to proceed. i tried everything restarting, re syncing all blocks, removing all folders and re trying? :frowning:

Please help.

Latest Log says:
[2018-03-12 00:02:05:0302] [debug] AdaApi::syncProgress called
[2018-03-12 00:02:05:0346] [debug] AdaApi::syncProgress success: {
“_spLocalCD”: {
“getChainDifficulty”: {
“getBlockCount”: 729416
“_spNetworkCD”: {
“getChainDifficulty”: {
“getBlockCount”: 729416
“_spPeers”: 0
[2018-03-12 00:02:05:0348] [debug] Local difficulty changed: 729416
[2018-03-12 00:02:05:0348] [debug] Network difficulty changed: 729416
[2018-03-12 00:02:06:0212] [debug] Local difficulty changed: 729416
[2018-03-12 00:02:06:0212] [debug] Network difficulty changed: 729416

[node.wallet.servant:INFO:ThreadId 3528] [2018-03-11 18:32:29.24 UTC]
:> api
:> settings
:> sync
:> progress
Status: OK 0s
[node.wallet.servant:INFO:ThreadId 3533] [2018-03-11 18:32:29.34 UTC]
:> api
:> settings
:> sync
:> progress
Status: OK 0.0009629s
[ 560] [2018-03-11 18:32:31.01 UTC] Updating slot for US…
[node.worker.slotting.slotting:NOTICE:ThreadId 574] [2018-03-11 18:32:31.01 UTC] New slot has just started: 16703rd slot of 33rd epoch
[ 562] [2018-03-11 18:32:31.01 UTC] Checking for update…
[node.worker.slotting.slotting:DEBUG:ThreadId 574] [2018-03-11 18:32:31.02 UTC] Waiting for 19981131mcs before new slot
[ 562] [2018-03-11 18:32:31.02 UTC] There are no new confirmed update proposals for our application
[node.worker.block:DEBUG:ThreadId 566] [2018-03-11 18:32:31.02 UTC] Our tip header: MainBlockHeader:
hash: 7892cb86e27b3932d5240a9e45efccc78245f11cebb4c8eb12d4f05f879fb9f0
previous block: e53355f9cb415efa04eed2bd4b8feefb07b477cf2903dc0381d34eb9bf8d91ef
slot: 16702nd slot of 33rd epoch
difficulty: 729417
leader: pub:0bdb1f5e
signature: BlockPSignatureHeavy: Proxy signature { psk = ProxySk { w = epoch #0, iPk = pub:0bdb1f5e, dPk = pub:5fddeeda } }
block: v0.1.0
software: cardano-sl:0

[node.worker.block:INFO:ThreadId 566] [2018-03-11 18:32:31.02 UTC] Difference between current slot and tip slot is: 1
[node.worker.block:DEBUG:ThreadId 566] [2018-03-11 18:32:31.02 UTC] Block with depth ‘k’ (2160) was created during slot 14543rd slot of 33rd epoch
[node.worker.block:DEBUG:ThreadId 566] [2018-03-11 18:32:31.02 UTC] Chain quality for the last ‘k’ (2160) blocks is 1.000
[node.worker.block:DEBUG:ThreadId 566] [2018-03-11 18:32:31.02 UTC] Overall chain quality is 1.000
[node.worker.block:DEBUG:ThreadId 566] [2018-03-11 18:32:31.03 UTC] Chain quality for last 3600s is 1.000
[node.worker.block:DEBUG:ThreadId 3540] [2018-03-11 18:32:31.05 UTC] Current slot leader: 65904a89
[node.worker.block:DEBUG:ThreadId 3540] [2018-03-11 18:32:31.05 UTC] Trimmed leaders: [(16693, 43011479), (16694, 6c9e1497), (16695, 65904a89), (16696, 65904a89), (16697, 6c9e1497), (16698, af2800c1), (16699, 1deb8290), (16700, 1deb8290), (16701, 6c9e1497), (16702, 65904a89), (16703, 65904a89), (16704, 65904a89), (16705, 6c9e1497), (16706, 65904a89), (16707, 1deb8290), (16708, 43011479), (16709, af2800c1), (16710, af2800c1), (16711, 5411c7bf), (16712, af2800c1), (16713, af2800c1)]
[node.worker.block:DEBUG:ThreadId 3540] [2018-03-11 18:32:31.05 UTC] End delegation psk for this slot: ProxySk { w = epoch #0, iPk = pub:0bdb1f5e, dPk = pub:5fddeeda }
[node.wallet.servant:INFO:ThreadId 3541] [2018-03-11 18:32:31.23 UTC]

Please help

I’m sorry but I’m fairly sure that none of the regulars around here will know how to interpret that information. Well, maybe some parts, but not enough to help you.

No luck today morning also. i Noticed that first line of log says:

[2018-03-11 16:49:08:0880] [info] !!! Daedalus is running on win32 version 10.0.14393
with CPU: [
“model”: “Intel® Core™ i5-6300U CPU @ 2.40GHz”,
“speed”: 2496,
“times”: {
“user”: 329890,
“nice”: 0,
“sys”: 384828,
“idle”: 285484,
“irq”: 11531
“model”: “Intel® Core™ i5-6300U CPU @ 2.40GHz”,
“speed”: 2496,
“times”: {
“user”: 341312,
“nice”: 0,
“sys”: 375078,
“idle”: 283625,
“irq”: 3750
“model”: “Intel® Core™ i5-6300U CPU @ 2.40GHz”,
“speed”: 2496,
“times”: {
“user”: 350531,
“nice”: 0,
“sys”: 362000,
“idle”: 287484,
“irq”: 1203
“model”: “Intel® Core™ i5-6300U CPU @ 2.40GHz”,
“speed”: 2496,
“times”: {
“user”: 385000,
“nice”: 0,
“sys”: 338078,
“idle”: 276937,
“irq”: 1000
] with 17054662656 total RAM !!!
[2018-03-11 16:49:08:0927] [info] Using certificates from: C:\Program Files\Daedalus\tls\ca\ca.crt

I am already upgraded to new version of wallet yesterday since when this problem started. Please help

As I already tried to tell you, this forum is not the place to post logs. This is Community Technical support, we’re just ordinary users like you.

Hi @Shishir
As I haven’t encountered this issue, my only recommendation is to try contacting Daedalus support. You can do so here: Thanks!

I apologise, I now see my contributions here were rather negative, I must have mistakenly thought that @Shishir had already been referred to official support.

Try this; Possible Solution for Windows 7/8.1/10 users having trouble with Daedalus

@Jesse I am trying your solution and will let you know.

I hope as long as my private keys are there with me; some day i’ll able to unlock my ADAs may be through thin client in future. If nothing work :frowning:

1 Like

I definitely think addressing the core issue causing the wallet not to work for you is more viable than waiting on the devs to address it for you. Being in IT, I know there is a hurricane of different issues that can be causing this issue for you.

Feel free to msg me, happy to help if I can.

Hi @Jesse no luck tried 5th combination you had in your link. My only hope is to restore it using my friend’s laptop, Or else i will wait till July when new thin wallet will be out

This might sound like a really dumb suggestion, but have you accidentaly used 64 bit while your system is 32 bit?

I wondered about that, then I thought, surely in that case it wouldn’t have been able to sync to 100%, or at all?

Good point, you’re right I think.

@RobJF @block-t No i have made sure my Laptop is 64 bit. So the only option i am left with is to wait till IOHK release thin client in July some time. Or may be try in my friend’s laptop (not at all safe). Any other ideas?

Got the same problem with my Mac. Please let me know if you have found a solution.

Have you attempted to reinstall Windows? Also, what are your system specs?

No i can not reinstall windows, (its my office laptop) Here is my system info: