Suggestions and feedback for our Help Centre!

Hi @rickymac,

I think there is some confusion, which comes from the lazy definitions of almost everything in the space.

  • Wallet only means a Public/Private key pair.
  • They meant Daedalus (the app/program) when they referred to Wallet.
  • Daedalus can have multiple Wallets derivated from the root Public/Private keys (as it uses Hierarchical deterministic keys), see:Cardano’s HD Wallets

But, Why I do not recommend to have multiple Daedalus app/program on the same computer is the following:

  • The Daedalus has two parts: Frontend (Electron GUI) and and Backend (a full node w/ ReST API).
  • Backend uses localhost’s port 8090 to allow connections from any clients.
  • If a node is running on a Computer, you cannot start another Daedalus as the other full node is already listening on that port.

I explain why this is a problem.
So, if you start your Daedalus /w your account and your lock your computer, and somebody that can access to the same computer by switching (not log out/log in but switching) user and he/she starts a Daedalus, then she /he will be very surprised as she/he will see your wallets in the started Daedalous.:slight_smile:

So, Daedalus should use some basic auth or some client certificate to allow a connection at least.