The Evolution campaign in detail


Where can we get Ada stamp?? :+1::+1::+1:

I appreciate the effort, but personally I had to stop watching the video when you called people sheeple almost 2 minutes in if they don’t agree with your viewpoint about the banks. I actually do agree with your viewpoint in this case, but if we’re honestly going to be trying to do any community-building or bringing in more dedicated people into the ecosystem, maybe casting off the vast majority of the entire world with a pejorative isn’t the most productive.


Fair enough. What was said is what was said. I don’t write out a speech beforehand.

This movement is apparently appealing to people who aren’t quite so sensitive. And I’m fine with that.


DM me with your mailing address and I’ll get one to you.

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Let’s try not to be too harsh here.

I can see stuffs @Zenman initiated was not professionally done yet.

I guess he’s trying to call people who share the same visions to join and work on the campaign together.

Things will get better and better!!

All I am is saying that the words you use matter, especially if you position yourself at the forefront of a project that wishes to market Cardano to a wider audience. @Zenman, obviously you have the freedom to appeal to whatever slice of people you wish, just don’t be surprised if you don’t get too much support from people such as I when your off-the-cuff video (which makes it more likely this is what you actually think since it’s not prepared) emanates an aura of disdain for those not of your in-group. I hope your project does well, but this is at least my bit of constructive criticism.


Thanks for sharing your perspective. I’ll be more selective in my wording.

You should watch the rest of the video