UK Stakepools

Hello Community.

We are getting so close to actual staking now… As you may, or may not be aware @Josh_Munday and I run a UK Channel on telegram.

At the bottom of the pinned message, we are going to include a Known UK Stakepool List. Anyone in the UK channel (everyone is welcome) who has a stakepool in the UK can add to this list. It will always be there, even when we change the pinned message. (Free advertisement).

It may change over time, but I am thinking of something simple like:

Name: Name here
Website: website here
Fees: percentage or fee amount here
Then anything else that is felt important.

Obviously website will be check before being approved and we would expect some sort of trust level within the community. Websites with download links will not be approved.

Pop into our channel, it’s a great community that keeps growing. We look forward to meeting you.

While I’m writing about the UK Channel, @robertcastelo has organised a London meetup in January 2020.

Visit for more details:


British lol


Hi there!

Really looking forward to the Shelley Testnet Launch over the next few days. It’s been a busy few weeks here in the UK making the final preparations but we’re setup and ready to begin.

Stakepool Ticker Name: STAKE
Brand Name: PlanetStake
Fees: Competitively low in the 0-5% range.
Uptime: 24/7 365

To keep up to date with the latest information please like and follow us on social media:

PS: Remember to keep safe by never sharing your mnemonic phrase or private keys with anyone!

Happy staking!


Great to have your pool in the UK, and thanks for the post!

We’ll be sure to add it to the list! @Lgbeano

The information has been added. Always feel free to Join our channel if you haven’t already



chainups is a new Cardano Stake Pool Operator.

UK Company: chainups
Fees: 2-3%

2 x 64GB Mem / 8 Core EPYC CPU Bare Metal Servers
1Gb/s Network connection.
Debian O/S

  • Our commitment to the community is not to run more than 2 pools for profit (look out for UPS pool) as the minimum for diversification of supplier/data centre/techstack/country

  • If we run a third pool it will be a mobile node with satellite uplink/solar/wind/hydro/batteries and fees to break even on server costs.

Follow on:
Twitter: @chainupsspo
Telegram: @chainups

See you on the Shelly main net :slight_smile:


Mark Suleman.

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