Updating PoolMetadata file reports Unknown through Deadalus

Screen Shot 2021-06-15 at 8.21.09 AM

I updated my pool’s metadata file. And while it propagated successfully on pooltools, it shows “Unknown” through the Daedalus wallet and is not searchable through the wallet. When will the smash server properly update the pool’s status and move from Unknown back into Daedalus? I have heard 6 hours. Does anyone else have similar experiences? When can I search my pool on Deadalus?

Updated: Looks like this is normal behavior - https://iohk.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/900004680423-Stake-pool-is-not-shown-in-Daedalus

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happening in yoroi also, devs need to take care of the smash server!!!

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Yeah, it looks like the SMASH server removed the old pool metadata file before updating it for some reason. Thanks for this. Everything is up and running normally, though.

check the pool state on pool.vet

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Thanks for that. Yeah all looks good. Just need to wait until the SMASH server is updated.

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How often is SMASH updated?

I guess within a day…

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