Deleted, it was an end-user issue!
- If it’s a simple yoroi wallet, then when was created a spending password was seted (which should be entered each time when u perform a transaction from wallet).
If it was connected with ledger then u are right, not spending password needed.
The hardware wallet acts as a wall to any software in the computer trying to access the private keys, because it requires user interaction and the input of a secret pin known only by the user.
The name of the wallet should be yoroi-ledger or something like that by default…
You can check if u have ada in your ledger device u can go to and try to restore there ur wallet… with ledger hw -
It means ledger is waiting for commands
So, go to ledger live and check if u have the last firmware for ledger and last version of cardano app installed
In yoroi also u can go to restore wallet via ledger device and see if u can restore ur wallet or u can try as I said above on
Deleted, it was an end-user issue! Thanks for your help.