Wallet Help

Hi All
I’ve been using Daedalus no problems to date, installing/setting up wallets/seed words and staking all fine etc.

However last week had to return my Macbook for a new screen to be fitted, Today on re-installing my Macbook contents (off a hard drive using Time machine) all seems to be ok with the Macbook, except that the Daedalus has reinstalled and the contents of Daedalus is empty i.e. my wallets are not in there, when i try to re-restore the wallets it states that the wallet already exists ??

I don’t think this is a major issue as i have another machine running Daedalus and the Wallets are there, just need to resolve so that i can use my Macbook as normal, I was thinking i probably need to delete Daedalus and re-install it ?

If yes, could someone link me to the correct delete and re-install info please


Is your Daedalus already fully sycned?

You could try just reinstalling, I’d think there’s some chance that would sort it out and avoid a lot of hassle. Anyway you should probably check out the support section of the Daedalus website.

Yes thats the weird thing, having been running the wallet for some time now i have realised that you can have various issues (balance not being correct) until the wallet is 100%

Daedalus is 100% sync but i have no wallets in there and if i click staking it states i have no Shelley wallet loaded, i click restore pop in seed words, set up password and name for wallet and it states wallet already exists !!!

Imo id uninstall Daedalus again, but only if you have your seed.

Then reinstall Daedalus --> wait for 100% sync --> restore your wallet --> wait for 100% sync

Just to be clear, the standard uninstall procedure leaves the state directory in place, you can delete it following these instructions so that the reinstall is from scratch.

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Thanks for all the feedback everyone and to RobJF for this info, i think that was one of the fixes that we had to do on the testnet , when things got ‘stuck’, just waiting for wallets to sync👍

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Quick update, the advice given above from the contributors works, Thanks :+1: (this is for a Macbook, it maybe same for Windows?)

The info works so long as you have your seed words, if you don’t have your seed words suggest you find a different solution.

Basically uninstall Daedalus and when uninstalling make sure you go to Daedalus Diagnostics under the Help button and delete the Daedalus State Directory as well, then just install a new wallet from https://daedaluswallet.io/ add your wallet/s and re-sync
