Thanks for all of your replies - especially Castro for taking the time. I know probably I’m just ranting… but feel depressed at really really wanting to buy at 11p - and getting stalled and messed up finally left with a buying opportunity at 50p. That’s depressing. Especially since: a bit of my story > I began following BTC intensely in January 2017 - and felt at that time that $1000 was probably too much. I watched it many times daily for the next year, and just watched and watched as it went thru the roof, still never buying because I thought it would come down (obviously it didn’t) >>> so when I FINALLY really decided to buy something (ADA) I got stalled by all of the BS redtape at coinbase. What a waste!
Yes regarding crashes, I have become somewhat obsessed with the topic even to the point of taking many graphs of previous crashes and comparing them in photoshop to the current BTC charts… there is no doubt in my mind that the big crash has started because all of the big crashes behave the same way and the current chart is identical - it is uncanny. Put that together with all the other factors and you’ve got the beginnings of a huge crash. [but nobody can predict the future so I may be wrong].
Regarding the BTC (and crypto in general) crash my main question is how this will affect ADA. I have noticed sometimes ADA following along exactly with BTC and other times moving strongly in opposite directions. I suspect many people are sometimes now pulling out of BTC and shifting into ADA (at least temporarily). How will the BTC crash affect ADA??? ADA will survive no doubt - so will BTC, ADA might even come out to gain by the crash, or perhaps it will be knocked down hard. This is the reason for this thread > I suspect now that since ADA’s “superiority” is currently in anticipation of fullfillment of promises as opposed to applications already in full development - this might not be good for ADA if/when the crypto market gets flooded with panic. I can see people flocking to ADA if things get “bad”, but if things get “really bad” I think people will temporarily forget about cryptos and attempt to flock to the USD.
To be honest, I am particularly drawn to ADA not as a speculative investment so much but out of a sincere desire for an new usable, decentralized, anonymous for of money. I make things and sell them around the world for 1 or 2 G euros a pop. I hate transacting thru paypal and banktransfers etc and deeply desire just to transact thru something like ADA. But I feel really frustrated because it doesn’t work! What am I supposed to do, tell my clients to pay me in ADA?? How should they get ADA?? I should tell them that they must first somehow get some BTC — 10 DAYS of pissing around with exchanges, mega fees, and in those 10 days the value of their BTC just dropped 30%!!! …then they should go so some other exchange and get some ADA, then send it to me??? No client is going to do this!
So I understand and I agree that the developers are overloaded with work simply trying to catch up with their promises… but why not FIRST simply try to make the basic currency easy to adopt and use. Sure, I now see that it is not as simple as “keeping an inventory of ADA on hand to sell” >>> but hey (?) why not??? If they are so clever to solve all of these mega-monster problems, why is it impossible for them to solve THE MOST SIMPLE and BASIC issue: How to simply and easily BUY some ADA? Because this one hurdle is such a PITA so many new people will be turned off. I say, get creative and solve this first > and when you do, I will get all of my clients on ADA instantly, I will insist on it!
But as it is not nobody will use it like a currency - sometime I feel this is like a big charade … all this talk about currency, and “so many new users” and bla bla bla… nobody is using this, everyone is just speculating and trying to make quick money trading or storing value by hodling > otherwise nobody is using this as money.
“Early days”, yes “Very Early days!” …but then why are the prices so high and volatile.
Personally I just want some solid, secure, anonymous money I can send around that is easy to acquire, does not fly up and down in value so radically, rather just holds it value and very gradually simply goes slowly up…
After the last BTC crash it lay practically motionless for about 2 years! That must have been a beautiful tranquil time for BTC. It’s value was constant and it was quick, cheap, and easy to use… I doubt that there will be such a long quiet breathing period after this current crash - I have a suspicion that there will be a only a very brief buying period when everything hits a low bottom for a moment.