Who want's to help build a new company?

Hello everyone,

If you clicked on this post, I hope it means that you are as excited about the incredible opportunities that blockchain tech provides. I definitely am! I am a professional Chef by trade and have been kicking around some ideas that relate to logistics and supply chain management. Two companies that I have been researching are modum.io and shipchain.io. Please take some time and check out their websites to get an idea of where I am coming from.

What I have in mind is likely closer to what the modum team is working on. I have been in contact with Emurgo to pitch the ideas and believe that if we can put together a solid team that we can acquire some seed funding and development resources from the Emurgo/Cardano/IOHK teams.

I have copied and pasted my email to Emurgo below to provide a quick overview of the idea and welcome your input and would love to start building the team here from fellow Cardano enthusiasts!

Hello Kyle,

I appreciate your interest and I am happy to expand on my thoughts. This morning I was researching and found ShipChain and read their whitepaper. It is amazing to me how much work has already been accomplished in advancing the possible applications of blockchain as well as the enormous amount of challenges left to conquer. I must admit that while I was a bit disheartened by the realization that someone had launched a blockchain platform relating to the ideas that I was having, I am also well aware that I am the novice here and that logistics have been a concern of mankind since the beginning of our collective existence, also quite eloquently stated in the ShipChain whitepaper!

My original thinking on the logistics in foodservice began with reading somewhere that “smart refrigerators” were being developed. I have seen some residential units from Samsung and some others but they don’t really have any way to interact with the contents of the unit as of yet. Inexpensive passive RFID tags can be integrated into product containers to provide the link to data that would help to speed mainstream adoption. Manufacturers have been slow to adopt this technology because they do not see the financial benefits. As far as I can tell, the main issue to date is the lack of a system to link pertinent information in an efficient manner and disseminate that information to related parties. Manufactures and distributors aren’t going to adopt new technology unless there is a clear advantage over their current systems. Enter Blockchain.

On a commercial scale, I speak from the end-user point of view (can also easily be seen as the consumer’s same issues). Monthy inventories and placing orders to replenish food stocks can be very time consuming and inaccurate. Having a “smart inventory” that can be easily referred to would provide enormous savings. Small units that resemble those already implemented in smart home applications can be deployed as a waypoint to collect the data on available inventories and pass that information along to the DApps providing real-time inventories. I believe that an approach that places emphasis on end-user development, as well as the supply chain, can lead to rapid adoption by the mainstream world by fostering demand across the industry.

I believe there are several key points of development for successful implementation. DApps and a robust sidechain platform that can be scalable to the partner’s needs, as well as being easily understandable for everyday users. Development of Bluetooth devices that perform the waypoint function. Seeking out partnerships with businesses that have name recognition and may already utilize RFID tracking or have the desire to adopt the technology. And a plan to drive awareness to the end user and retail customer that creates demand.

Once again, I appreciate you taking the time to reach out to me and I hope to continue this discussion!


Count me in?

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@coinreal Thank you for showing some interest! I’m a little disappointed that no one else has yet, but there seems to be a lot of get rich quick thinking going on here.

I am interested in knowing more about your level of interest and what skills you could bring to the table. I am working on putting together a business plan and would love to have your input.

Thank you!

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I’d really like to help, but don’t really know what I could do by the project, just an amateur developer at this point.


Sounds a bit like IOTA. Nice idea. I don’t have a tech background but I’m keen to see anything built on Cardano. Maybe you could encourage people to post their expertise here, and you think of how they could help. I’ll start! :slight_smile:

  • Biochemist (plant nutrition) / research
  • E-commerce
  • Domain investor/trader
  • Cardano’s biggest fan.

Sounds interesting, might not have alot of skills but you can count on me. :slight_smile:


Off the cuff thoughts:

Logistics, for real mass adoption a bridge is a absolutely necessity. I know this because I worked for one of the largest service-based logistics company around, 6 continents, 108 countries. A blockchain must safety allow legacy systems in, Cardano will have this capability.

IoT, Linux containers, today tagging everything is considered passé, have you seen what is possible with facial recognition? Well then think item/product recognition, you could even combine purchase receipts into the mix the user is then training the device for you. Turing a refrigerator “smart” is as easy as RPI, Raspberry Pi, for POC.

@Donnie I posted this because I like your sincerity, my 2c get a proof of concept going like right now and gain some traction.

Look into resin.io for getting IoT proof of concept out the door.

This is also worth checking out, 8 Internet Of Things Predictions For 2018.


Donnie I think you are right on in your thinking style about these issues. I had a problem though personally, trying to see the true possibilities come true in real life right now. The issue can only be solved at the market frontier at the specific time in ethics and political space … right now there are so many speculators , and so much work to do both math and programming application wise , that there is a short supply of people with the tools, and a short supply of the time for people with ideas… yet somehow there is no shortage of money of course !! But misplaced asset allocation by a market is a classic problem to eventually solve :slight_smile:

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The smart money is often to a large degree the fast money right?? But the smartest thinkers are likely to be already either economically secured in time or too focused on what they are already working on.

Eventually the known regular value of a thing will be exceeded by using Ada , but when that becomes more normal, more of US will be having more time and we will have had more time first :wink:

Hi Donnie,

Thanks for sharing your passion. Like you I see many possibilities and I think it’s helpful to brainstorm like this to flesh out new ideas (viable and not). Nobody has their “refined model” sitting on the launch pad just waiting on capital. It takes a bit of mental modeling or verbal prototyping, if you will, to carve it out.

Me: I started and ran a small business, which was service-based, profitable within 60 days and had revenue over a million in its first year. After 6 years I realized I had a glass ceiling that would keep me small and that I needed to grow my knowledge to get to the higher levels of business success. So, in 2015, I enrolled in business school and I’m a senior now. I love markets so I study Finance.

On the idea you lay out a few interesting ideas. I’ve seen (through friends in healthcare) how RFID has been incorporated and linked to each hospital bed so that data can trigger emergency responses for patients. And I see the inventory sort of logistics piece as being useful but I wonder if it’s overkill for the application and revenue potential at this stage. That is to say that the pain in the neck inventory management problem remains a problem because it’s cheaper to pay a worker to deal with it than to invent a real solution. Even smart refrigerators that know your habits and can see that you’re low on something will need many other counterparts of the supply chain to execute a solution, including grocery or producer partners that require profits as well. If you agree with that thinking, I say we need a bigger problem and with more immediate impacts for the solution. In other words, rethink the whole landscape surrounding the problem. Have you seen what MIT Media Labs is doing with computers that grow food? There’s a great Ted Talk with Caleb Harper. “Vertical Agriculture” I think it’s called. So maybe it’s a digital grocery world where farmers deal directly with your fridge? That sounds pretty big and disruptive to me.


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Yeah . I think exploring functional domains still has a lot left unexplored so to speak – there is no lack of operability or lack of money so to speak … I am just stuck trying to decide should I be trying to program an agent that can code for me in fp, should I be trying to still look at the general “control problem” or should I be trying something more concrete like finding a better equation to model agent simulation or protein folding … these are difficult questions, and the most practical person’s of all of us in the room are the people who work for iohk and emurgo … I am thankful to still be otherwise employed professionally full time in this economic era . It would be nice if things would happen faster is what I’m saying, but I know that they only can happen at their destined rates ;), and the market will meet the frontier. :slight_smile:

Hello Donnie and other folks,

What a nice thread here :slight_smile:

Your idea, Donnie, is actually pretty rigid. Logistics & transport have a big potential to benefit from blockchaintech, especially when it can be integrated with all existing tech.
I learned is that when introducing a new tech (soft- or hardware) , you;d always want to build the new process without disturbing the existing and working processes. Which @NicholasS already states, you don’t wan’t to kill the running process by introducing stuff that is mere glitters & gold.
So adding RFID tags just to be able to use blockchain could potentially destroy current workflow, or only make it harder to execute properly / efficiently.
Maybe there already is a proper registration going on in current workflow and it might be easier/cheaper/faster ea to work with the blockchain.
Just sharpening my thinking here,
I think you have a proper use case here and would love to opt-in

But for now, i feel there are already too many “non-blockchain” projects being sold as, well yeah, blockchain projects. I guess when you want to dev a blockchain app, first thing to consider is if the project actually benefits from this tech.
And seeing there already is some competition, just states that there is an actual market for this concept, right!

Anyway, i know about some pilot projects which have been done by Dutch government (wherei’m from) and other large organizations. Some of those were specifically on logistics / supply chain. Another pilot is running now in the ports of Rotterdam, this one aims for (super) large scale useability
I will look these up and post them here if they are any worth checking out.

I’ll be back, have a good night

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@devbym @Accelerandant @NicholasS @Chainomatic @RobiZew @ElliotHill @CaiodeCastro @coinreal

Thank you, everyone, for commenting on this thread so far! :grin: Your input has been very helpful and educational. I have been doing some more research and started to put together a preliminary proof of concept plan with a list of possible goals. I definitely agree that trying to begin with an app built from Cardano and utilizing existing systems might be the best place to start. I am still working on gaining a complete grasp on how to bring them together. I love the resin.io concept, it has great potential on the consumer end but also has additional cost and adoption roadblocks to overcome.

So, how do we incorporate legacy systems into a Cardano based application to allow for streamless transition without adding hardware costs or compromising data?

Although I consider myself tech savvy, I do not have the developer skills to tackle these problems on my own, so I again thank you all for joining this discussion and I look forward to your further insights as we hopefully find some solutions. I will post some thoughts on the proof of concept soon for everyone to weigh in.:truck:

This is a Cardao forum. Why are you in here promoting other blockchain shit ???

@magnetar You don’t seem to be paying attention. This is about Cardano and building in partnership with Cardano/IOHK teams. If I wanted to just promote some “other blockchain shit” I would be posting on some shitcoin forum! Please do some research next time before posting.


Charles is building an open source , value conferring ecosystem accepting of all “interoperability” … with 100% security and regulatory operation. anyone who realizes the fundamentals of this tech , from back to the lambda calculus , wants to develop alongside .

Iohk and emurgo are busy building the backbone at this time , but the “capacity space” , of their tech is literally the best , so there is a lot of fertile ground to grow in and plan development on.


So ShipChain and modum.io are about Cardano ?

He was clearly using them as an example of things which could be built on the Cardano ecosystem.

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I think more people should consider the “competitive” scarcity of the blockchain technology . As we have seen in the digital world since the first computers, and as we are seeing with Amazon now, the operation that “wins” is the op that can be most “lean”… because digital technology has approaching-0 marginal cost to replicate. … . so the real scarcity or value question is not “what are you offering(vs unlimited competitors)” , it is “how securely and verifiably reliable IS your offering”…

If a company can do x y and z with fluidity and precision in the virtual world , the value question in the room is “who can do a-z most securely and reliably cheapest”. In the case of the blockchain , I would argue the "economic offering vs cost, or so to speak, “cost-effectiveness” is actually found at the code level of security, openness, flexibility, and reliability …

When you use that lens , you can clearly set aside many value propositions as being ones that are only temporarily cost-effective , and not , so they say, a long term investment play.

what’s cardao?