Wrong address

Tell me why when you transfer ADA from a Yoroi client to a Yoroi client - testnet, what is the wrong address?

You can’t send ada to the testnet…testnet balance comes from a snapshot that was taken end November2019.


All right, then how else can you send to the staking pool? Do you need a Daedelus client? But I wouldn 't want to download the whole blockchain

If you had some ada in your wallet on 29 Nov 2019 then you just restore your wallet in the testnet wallet, there’s an option to do that, after you just delegate to a pool following the instructions, but you can not send any ada to testnet…

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But you need to have ada in your wallet on Nov 29 or you can’t participate…

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Thank you for your help, I had no November 29 coins… very sorry

so you just have to wait they deploy shelly on mainnet for stacking your coins…

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Ok. I had a problem transfering ada from an exchange platform to the deadalus testnet wallet and yea it didnt work. Thanks to this forum I know why.

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