Earlier, the stake pool did not show up on the Daedalus wallet. One forum post suggested a problem with metadata hash.
When I ensured that pool metadata was exactly the same, so that the resulting hash would be same, the stake pool showed up in the Deadalus wallet. I even checked that it was written into the blockchain in a couple of ways, as follows.
$cardano-cli stake-pool id --output-format hex --cold-verification-key-file poolkeys/cold.vkey
$ cardano-cli query ledger-state --testnet-magic 1097911063 | grep publicKey | grep 1372548b744987f32d4255d3bcb37d66d47fbba507ac454f521f432d
"publicKey": "1372548b744987f32d4255d3bcb37d66d47fbba507ac454f521f432d",
"publicKey": "1372548b744987f32d4255d3bcb37d66d47fbba507ac454f521f432d",
"publicKey": "1372548b744987f32d4255d3bcb37d66d47fbba507ac454f521f432d",
"publicKey": "1372548b744987f32d4255d3bcb37d66d47fbba507ac454f521f432d",
$ cardano-cli query stake-snapshot --stake-pool-id 1372548b744987f32d4255d3bcb37d66d47fbba507ac454f521f432d --testnet-magic 1097911063
"poolStakeGo": 497639826,
"activeStakeGo": 14393800393132753,
"poolStakeMark": 7492931138,
"activeStakeMark": 14396618944809382,
"poolStakeSet": 5492931138,
"activeStakeSet": 14395270417249042
So you are saying that there still are problems with the metadata?