Yori Wallet Fund Transfer


New to crypto … Set up a Yoroi Wallet to stake Cardano .

Copied address for transfer from Binance and assumed as address was copied could not be wrong but on double checking the address is correct apart from it seems an extra 5 added to the end ?

What will happen to my transfer ?


Meant copied address from Yoroi to receive funds and instructed Binance to transfer … but seems an somehow an extra 5 added to Yoroi wallet address ?

Hello and welcome, @Tamaris1

Once made, the transfer is irreversible. The balance is written in the blockchain to an address that has no owner, that is, it is lost. I am really sorry that this has happened.


Many Thanks Napoles

Luckily Binance spotted an error so stopped the transaction , have redone using correct copied address and cardano has arrived and now staked :grinning:

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Great, I’m so glad to hear that! It was a pleasure, @Tamaris1
