Yoroi Byron ITN reward not redeem,

I have participate ITN. But when snapshot was done, i did delegate testnet ADA from same my Yoroi byron wallet and received rewards not created new ITN wallet and transfer testnet ADA then delegate. This wallet i am trying to redeem. It is showing not have any incentive for redeem. While last month balance checked in same wallet i have recieved ITN incentives. Can some support me what shall i do?

There are some people which have some problems with Daedalus. You could try to use Adalite to claim your ITN rewards.

I also heard restarting Daedalus sometimes solves certain issues. Nothing to lose there. Give it a shot.

I had same problem but it worked when I tried again. Didn’t even need to restart Daedalus, just re-enter seed phrase.

Many Thanks, Ada lite works.

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