I have these issues often, I downloaded Daedalus on my PC and keep it synced with the same wallets as in yoroi. Whenever there is an issue with yoroi I use that.
For mine I did the cardano scan. It shows there I have ada staked in Grow still and the right amount it just doesn’t show anything on my wallet since says u synced… So I assume I will still get credit for the staking and any rewards being scan shows I am still in the pool… And at some point I guess the sync issue will be fixed and I can actually get to my ada.
Yes, Yoroi is really just an interface to your wallet. The ADA you have, your delegation, the stake rewards, … are all stored on the blockchain and not affected by Yoroi’s sync problems.
If it gets too annoying, you can also use Daedalus (full node, needs 23 GB on your hard drive and twelve to 24 hours for its first sync) or adalite.io to access your wallet, the very same wallet that you also have in Yoroi.
If you do something in one of these applications, it should also become visible in the others shortly after (unless Yoroi has issues, again).
Thanks appreciate it
Sorry if this is coming too late but it sounds like the problem is an incorrect seed phrase and not Yoroi. Since you can access the wallet on the old phone, I’m surprised no one suggested that you just create a new wallet on the new phone, write down the seed phrase, transfer assets from old wallet to new wallet, problem solved!
Hi, i have problem on my Iphone(IOS), after update 12.12. - yesterday, After update yoroi app didnt work, after opening was just: just use our biometrics & cannot press anything, then i deleted wallet & try to restore with my seedphrase & after seedphrase i get the new wallet without any ADA inside, with new cardano adress. On my original adress im still active with the same amount on Cardanoscan( so nobody didnt hack wallet) Everytime im trying to restore wallet i just get random wallet without ADA inside
which cardanoscan cannot recognize. Can someone help me? Thanks a lot!
It looks u restored another wallet… do u have any transactions history?
What do u mean u get a random wallet… should be the same each time if u are using the same seed
Is this a simple/standard wallet … or HW wallet?
Im using Yoroi wallet over 12 months now,when i restore 15 words phase, i just get empty wallet with no transactions. I dont even know which wallet should i restore i have tried everything no success. When i check my ID from wallet is staking active, just cant get to my wallet in yoroi.
Standard mobile wallet, before mainnet already staked ADA, now when i do recoverphase i just get empty wallet with no transactions inside. Is wallet name also important by recovering or just recoverphase? Thank you a lot
just the seed words is important… do you see any transactions history? did u restored the shelley wallet right? can u try to restore the wallet on adalite.io? same empty wallet?
I have tryed, is empty wallet too on Adalite: Do you think that have anything to do with Byron/Shelley era? Im staking in Yoroi wallet for 12+ months, crazy to see that my life savings just disapear( 74k ADA). Right after last update, hope someone can help me
nope, I just think u are using the wrong seed words
Did u ever restored in the past the wallet using this seed words?
No, never. That is the only words i have written down from Yoroi wallet. 15 words, in safe.
Did u used daedalus before? Perhaps u imported it on yoroi ? (Daedalus has 24 words)
But anyway… the seed is wrong… check perhaps u have noted another seed words somewhere on a paper or… perhaps a picture, etc
Perhaps u are using the byron seed words? Byron and shelley have both 15 words
Is there any difference between Shelley & Byron in seed? I remember that i had 2 wallets when i have got into Yoroi mobile wallet. On first one i had everything, the second was empty.
Can be byron the empty one…
the seed should be different because are 2 different wallets… but both have 15 seed words
Hi, thanks again a lot for your responses. If u can help me how to restore wallet i promise i will send u gift, i have made yoroi mobile wallet before july 29 - on 09/04/2020. I think there have to be some catch byron/shelley- before that i have never made any restore of wallet, i was just sending ADA from exchanges to wallet. Made about 20 transactions. Now after 18 months i dont have anything in wallet after restore. On photo is staking active & im 100% sure that my recover phase is written 100% correct.
ok, can u use this seed words to restore the byron wallet? … but u already did on adalite.io
When i restore on AdaLite it just showing empty wallet without transactions, really weird.