Yoroi Trezor "Change address staking rights..." sending problem

Trezor is a standalone device and has its own recovery seed. There is no seed associated with the Yoroi wallet when using the Trezor device.

I’m not going to remove the existing Yoroi Trezor wallet as it is the only proof of where my coins are. People say if your coins are on the blockchain then they are safe but what if you cannot access them because your hardware no longer allows you to?

I’m beginning to think the Yoroi wallet is a piece of crap that has somehow loaded a different wallet onto my Trezor because the public keys are different. The new public key is not the same as the old key where the Yoroi wallet still shows the correct balance. So now my Trezor has a different public key and hence is not recognised by the old Yoroi wallet. Way to go.

The fact that Yoroi support do not reply does not help either. I wish I’d never loaded them onto Yoroi, they would have been safer at Coinbase.