Yoroi wallet will be released shortly!

Engineered by Emurgo, the Yoroi wallet is Chrome extension that works much like Daedalus. Enjoy!

And I just did a quick bench mark, pretty quick. I got a response time of 22 seconds receive and 12 seconds send. Response times may vary.


Where did you get yoroi from? Did you use on mainnet or testnet?
I saw the announcement, but I still cannot download yoroi.
Got it from the direct URL from twitter account, though I could not find in the store.


Nice and informative video. Thanks.

It took me a couple of error tries in the prosess because step 1 was unknown to me.

1.You first need create a new Yoroiwallet. (Remember to save new 15 seeds Yoroi-passphrase)

2.Transfer funds from existing Daedalus wallet (0.16 Ada fee) by adding your 12seed Daedalus.

Yoroi link:

Link from Emurgo and works perfect for me.

Ofcourse do not trust , verify :slight_smile:

@rickymac : No intention to “bash” your post here. Let me know if you want me to remove it :slight_smile:


Just played around with it a bit. Pretty basic but nice and clean. Can’t wait to see Ledger Nano support and contacts.

It’s odd that https://yoroi-wallet.com (with the minus) links to https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/yoroi/ffnbelfdoeiohenkjibnmadjiehjhajb where it says offered by https://yoroiwallet.com (without the minus) so I had to double check.


I got it from the Chrome store and used it on the main net. The wallet is released now. I had to be logged into Chrome on my desktop computer.


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Yep, got it already from the Twitter’s link thx.

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Good feedback. Please keep your post up. If there is an error in the video I need to fix it. I will add the link you provided to the Youtube video comments.

Thank you,

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