Zero balance after restoring Yoroi wallet

I never restored the Ledger. I have two Ledgers the ADA could have been sent from to Yoroi. But, you can see where the ADA came from in the received Yoroi addresses in the wallet and on the blockchain.
Why would they be on the Ledger. They were all sent.

This is what it says in Ledger Live today:
Cardano accounts cannot be created in Ledger Live for the moment.

Thank you very much.

Okay, some things you could try:

  1. If in Yoroi you go to “Receive” – “Reward” it shows you the stake key. Is it the correct stake key stake1u85hz635vwjnx2xexwyr8ge6sz05tsg2lr3lmrm7uwnq8yq9pn2y4 of the wallet you sent the funds to?
  2. If yes, have you tried “Settings” – “Wallet” – “Resync Wallet”?
  3. If you enter this 24 seed phrase in, do you see the funds? Is the stake key (under “Advanced” – “Reward address” in Adalite) the correct one (see above)?

Never restored my two Ledgers. Don’t know which was used for the Cardano. I deleted the software thing I’m just going to use Yori.To do both and uninstall the crypto software apps, then put 24 seeds in again seems like a lot because I know they will show zero balance. The blockchain and Yori wallet shows where the ADA came from and what it was sent to.

Here it is in Yoroi. It’s the same as yours.

I have restored and not just re-synced.

I never staked. Just learning. Was happy to have the ADA and get it out of Daedalus (Shelley) because of constant sync problems

Not the same in adalite:

So u had a Daedalus before yoroi?
Maybe u have now 2 seed words:

  • 24 seed words from Daedalus wallet
  • 15 seed words from yoroi wallet?

If yes, did u tried to restore both wallets?

PS: u can store ADA on ledger but not supported yet on ledger live, you will need to install cardano app first

No. Same 24 seed words as I had in Daedalus (Shelley). I initially created the 15 seed words wallet, but never ran a transaction in it. I removed it.

Have Cardano installed. Not on the Ledger from before. This is a new 3rd Ledger.

Do u still have the 15 seed words? Or check if u have cardano app installed on one of your ledger

That is very good. Then it is “just” some issue with Yoroi not syncing the state of the blockchain properly. We know the funds are in the account/wallet with that stake key from the blockchain explorers.

Wallets/accounts already have a stake key, before it is registered and used. We can use it to identify wallets, look at the blockchain explorers etc. pp.

No, that’s the ID of an Adalite Stake Pool they are proposing you to delegate to. Look under “Advanced”, not “Staking”.

(You can reply by editing the above message, so that you not get into 6-hour waiting time, again.)

I installed yesterday just incase. I saw nothing. Not one transaction.
I can’t figure out how to open Cardano now on the Ledger Live. It just says installed on Ledger Live and I see it on the Ledger.

I don’t know what to say… yesterday u provided this address from recently restored wallet


which belongs to


Now u are saying u see another stake address which is


Can’t find the edit pencil with next to replies. These are the addresses under Advanced in adalite.


Byron extended public key (44’/1815’/0’/)


Shelley extended public key (1852’/1815’/0’/)


Staking key CBOR hex (1852’/1815’/0’/2/0)


Reward address


Staking key hash hex


Yesterday I got to the point I could unlock and clicked on the letter S. Not happening today. I remember getting in with Default or WebUSB.

YES to below. Trying to cut down on the replies so I won’t get blocked again. You have the path correct: Daedalus (Shelley) to ADAlite with Ledger to same 24 seed as Daedalus in Yoroi.

I have gone into ADAlite a couple of times with the 24 seed from originally Daedalus and the Yoroi have active. Balance says zero.

Here’s a transaction from Yoroi. On the left is the FROM and to the right is the TO: From addresses:1


-269.6 ADA

To addresses:2


+200 ADA



+69.431727 AD

The BALANCE showed perfectly fine originally. It disappeared.
. .
Yes I have synced. Quite a few times since yesterday.

Yes, I can get to the account with the same staking numbers.
Address to account with 727/827 ADA.

Can’t get past unlock. Yesterday the “S” for Ledger S was available and could get in. Why not today? This always happened to me. That’s why I left Ledger and went to Yoroi. Yoroi didn’t have anything for Ledger this past summer.

Sorry for being confusing, but when you are allowed only so many replies what can you do?

With the address in Yoroi receiving you should be able to see a lot. Main question. Why did the balance show in the past when I haven’t touched the wallet. Something made it work and not now. I think syncing is a major problem.

If I understood it correctly that is an address from the Ledger wallet, he used with adalite. That’s the account that is now at 0, because everything was transferred to the other, non-Ledger, 24 word wallet, he is using in Yoroi (and probably created in Daedalus because it’s 24, not 15).

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That is the account you were sending from. Have you connected the Ledger there, again?

When opening, you see this:
When you choose “Mnemonic“ there, you see this:
When you put in the 24 seed words, there, you should get access to the same wallet that now has your funds, not to the old one, where you removed the funds.

Replacing the previous answer, because it gets too confusing:

Does it really say “BASE - INTERNAL” at that address? Because then it is the transaction seen from the sending account. And then it is no wonder that the balance is 0, because the funds are now in the receiving account.

But that would totally contradict that you said you are seeing

at “Receive” – “Reward”, because that is the stake key of the receiving account.

I don’t know what to make of this mess anymore. Is it possible that you have several wallets configured in Yoroi and are switching between them without realising it?

(Also, if the sending account is configured in Yoroi, then this means that you never really used a Ledger, but just another seed phrase? That would be really strange, but on the other hand it would fit that you found

in Adalite after I told you to open it with the 24-word seed phrase. Then, the 24-word seed phrase just opens the sending account. But then we would still need to find the seed phrase or some other kind of access to the receiving account, since that one now has your funds.)

This address that ends in …nxa2kf is the FROM from adalite logging in using my 24 word seed.

I deleted the software from Ledger which had the Cardano originally to connect to adalite and reinstalled it. At this time you cannot create an account because of the upgrading Ledger is doing. When trying to log in with the Ledger hardware wallet option I choose either Default or WebUSB, but it doesn’t load. It should load when you see in the box the letter “S.” Then you could click on the S and get through to adalite. I will have to wait for 2 or 3 weeks to do this.
Thank you.

I don’t exactly know what you are trying to tell here, but you cannot determine if you are looking at the sending or the receiving account by the side the addresses appear in in the transaction view.

For example, I moved funds a while ago and have both wallets in Yoroi. The sending side looks like:

The receiving side looks like:

As you can see, both views have exactly the same addresses in “From” and “To”.

What changes is that in the sending wallet, the “From” addresses and the change address are marked “BASE – INTERNAL/EXTERNAL”, while in the receiving wallet, the target address is marked “BASE – EXTERNAL”.

So, if like you wrote, the change address is marked “BASE”, you are looking at the sending wallet, not the receiving wallet.

I also don’t get what you mean by “click on the S”. When I am opening Adalite, I click on “Unlock with Ledger”, not on any “S”. It just works for me – both when having the Cardano App on the Ledger already open and when opening it only when I already pressed the “Unlock” button. You, of course, have to allow the public key exporting on the Ledger. But than this is Linux, not Windows. Perhaps it’s more flaky on Windows.

Don’t have a URL to link to so I’m doing a copy and paste. Might have to respond as an edit if this is my last reply allowed for a certain amount of time. RECEIVED with BASE EXTERNAL:

9/19/2020 7:09:27 PM +828.427131



ADDRESS BOOK -230.475591 ADA


ADDRESS BOOK -106.787663 ADA






ADDRESS BOOK -127.037747 ADA

To addresses:5

Address Type



BASE - EXTERNAL +230.257246 ADA


BASE - EXTERNAL +106.787663 ADA


BASE - EXTERNAL +94.744475 ADA




+127.037747 ADA

TRANSACTION ID 29300480d031a3b971c176c820160bb3e8bb2687a3c8a0b90b5ac4d1d9621d6e

Okay, you are definitely looking at the old wallet, here. This transaction was from the exchanges, where you bought your ADA, to the wallet with the stake key stake1uy3cxm5dsak8t833xe82h9g4tl0hqr7svcam7ngq7sycwwsmuph8t.

It is totally correct if this shows 0 balance. You moved your funds to another new wallet. You have to find that new wallet with the stake key stake1u85hz635vwjnx2xexwyr8ge6sz05tsg2lr3lmrm7uwnq8yq9pn2y4.

Hlo sir which wallet can I use for ada ?