That’s an extremely generous way to support the team Chris, thanks a lot!
On behalf of the team, thanks a lot Evgeny!
As it happens, the team turned one year old just yesterday!
Over that time the 22 members loaned a total of $5,575 to 181 recipients.
Anyone who hasn’t already done so should join the team!
Another month on and we now have 23 members who’ve made 193 loans totalling $6125!
It is time to bring in the willing new pool operators and staking peeps!!! Stand up and be a part of an unselfish act, join me and the rest of our team to help assist others that have set their pride aside to ask for us to donate to their cause, a micro loan you most likely will recover (as far as stats go) that can improve the life of someone that will never even know you contributed.
Our team has already made a big impact, help us grow so that together our impact is much more than what we can do ourselves alone.
If unsure of lending your own funds on a platform you do not trust please see my post above @
I will continue to honor my pledge for you all to have the experience of micro lending that I enjoy
Great initiative Rob! Just found out about it and joined. This threat needs to be bumped regularly!
I have joined this effort (Eystein Hansen / ADA North Pool) and pledged 57 USD this month. I hope its ok I also post this as news for my pool and that other pools will follow.
To explain further ADA North Pool will support lending projects to Philippines. It is my wifes home country and it was her birthday today and we discussed doing something meaningful. Yes it is a selfish act of branding as well but it also creates a common good so I hope thats fine.
I think its a wonderful gesture from you and your wife to contribute to her home country! Happy Birthday!!
And to choose to strengthen a community pool through associating other community projects with it is also a very welcome gesture that I admire, I do not think anyone would object to you posting your contributions and pledge and further I cannot view any bit of your participation as selfish - even you should lable it is a caring unselfish act
Great to see the recent activity and support, thanks a lot guys!
Latest figures: $6725 loaned by 26 members to 220 borrowers across 47 countries!
Join the team using this link.
Hi All!
Didn`t know about this, looks pretty nice! I will look into getting involved, but need a few days for a few bucks to reach a Visa (banks)…
Signed up today…
Is it possible to get updates on your outstanding loans? Eg: The borrower giving updates on his / her progress? Or is there no direct contact between you and the one borrowing?
Awesome Josseh! You will get emails about repayments etc. Not sure about their progress though
Great to have you join us!
You can see all of the numbers for your own loans on this page:
There is no direct contact with the borrower, progress reports come from the field partner but to be honest they don’t happen very often. You can see the latest, if there’s been one, via a link on the same page.
Interesting thought, moving forward in todays world there could be some type of contact between borrower and lender, for several reasons it would be beneficial, in any case @RobJF is correct.
Glad to have you with us @Josseh80!
Today’s statistics – $7275 lent by 28 members (3 new this month) to 241 borrowers across 50 countries.
Kiva, like Cardano, believes in helping people to help themselves!
Join our team here:
Join our team, in these times a contributution will be very welcomed by the person receiving.
Good morning,
I think it is time to push this thread again to the top with an update on the stats. The Cardano Kiva Lending Team has grown to:
32 Members, 287 Loans in 53 countries, total amount of $8,675 lent. Join here if you like.
Thanks Tommy!
I’ve been a KIVA lender for many years. I believe I am now a part of the Cardano team by udating today. Peace.