BREAKING: It appears the Cardano Foundation (@Cardano_CF) Twitter account has been compromised.
For the time being, the perpetrators have posted about Cardano being listed as SEC and also a halt in trading, which would potentially lead to the burning of tokens tomorrow, 09-12-2024.
These are all falsified information being peddled to FUD the ecosystem, and it is advised not to click on any links from the Cardano Foundation’s X account.
Lastly, regard all recent posts as void until there’s an official reclaim of the account by the CF.
How come there was no official response to this? It seems pretty bad that Cardano don’t manage responses to these things properly, on top of the fact that the account got hacked in the first place.
That could be a valid point there. My Twitter account got ‘hacked’ (I think it was closed by X themselves as it was ‘hacked’ from San Fran location) few weeks after Elon took it over. I tried to get it reclaimed and all their processes for that were totally dead. I could never get my account back since then. 30000+ tweets down the drain!
I wonder if Cardano will ever get their account back, considering this lack of support on X’s side. This could be a bad situation on the PR front.