Request to Catalyst | |
Make it easier to register as a voter. | 41 |
Please make the voting app available in Japanese. | 93 |
Improve the usability of the voting app. | 43 |
Please make it possible to complete voting from within Yoroi or Deadalus. | 54 |
Please increase the reward for voting (*Currently, 10,000 ADA votes = +4 cards [just a guideline]) | 38 |
I want to be able to delegate my vote to someone I trust. | 36 |
Others include | |
I would like to be able to do the voting application on my PC. | |
I’d like to see the middle man removed and left to market forces as much as possible. | |
I want to read foreign proposals in Japanese. | |
I want Catalyst reward deposits to be displayed in my wallet. |