A. Name of project and Project URL on Ideascale/Fund:プロジェクト名とIdeascale/Fund上のプロジェクトURL:
Close Report - Japan Cardano Governance Association - Conference & Community & Podcast - 日本Cardanoガバナンス協会-会議&コミュニティ&ポッドキャスト
B. Name of project manager:プロジェクトマネージャー名:Oishi Yuki(YUTA)
C. Date project started:プロジェクト開始日:2021/1/30
D. Date project completed:プロジェクト完了日:2022/6/30
E. List of challenge KPIs and how the project addressed them:課題のKPIとプロジェクトがそれにどのように対処したかの一覧:
①How many developers did we attract?開発者は何人集まったか?:In broad terms, more than 10 広義では10以上。:JapanCatalystFUND2-8List
②How many entrepreneurs?起業家は何人いるか?:In broad terms, more than 10 広義では10以上。:JapanCatalystFUND2-8List
③How many new Dapps were developed associated with proposals?:提案に伴う新規Dappsの開発実績は?:In broad terms, more than 10 広義では10以上。:JapanCatalystFUND2-8List
④How many new businesses were developed associated with proposals?:提案に関連した新規事業開発数は?:In broad terms, more than 10 広義では10以上。:JapanCatalystFUND2-8List
F. List of project KPIs and how the project addressed them: プロジェクトのKPIとそれにどのように対処したかの一覧:
(1)Targeted KPIs within the proposal:提案内で目標としたKPI(Not the actual value.)
Fund 2: Participation rate over 20%, number of Japanese participants per proposal over 0.5
Fund 3: Participation rate over 30%, more than 1 advisor, more than 1 Japanese participant per proposal
Fund 4: Participation rate over 40%, more than 2 advisors, more than 2 Japanese participants per proposal
Fund 5: Participation rate over 50%, more than 3 advisors, more than 3 Japanese participants per proposal
(2)Actual value:
Participation rate :We were not able to achieve this goal until Fund 7, but we were able to achieve over 50% in Fund 8.FUND7までは達成できませんでしたがFUND8で50%超参加率を初めて記録できました。
Japanese participants per proposal:With over 1000 proposals, this KPI was unrealistic; two Japanese reviewed the proposals as a whole, but even then they did not review all 1000+ proposals.提案数は1000を超えており、このKPIは非現実的でした。2名の日本人が全体的に提案を確認しましたが、それでも1000を超える提案を全て確認しているわけではありません。
Advisors:Only 1-2 are in any fund, couldn’t make it to 3.1-2名であり、3名に達することができませんでした。
G. Key achievements (in particular around collaboration and engagement):主な成果(特にコラボレーションとエンゲージメントに関連するもの):
(1) Daily governance-specific community management - Operated a proposer-only There was also a chat that included voters, but there was no demand for it.Making it a proposer-only chat helped to avoid making proposers overly nervous.
(2) Governance podcasts at least once a weekーPodcasting over 1000 suggestions was inefficient and did not increase the number of views. Therefore, we have created a written, Japanese summary list of all proposals.
(3) At least 1 online meetup per fundーConducted bi-weekly in the Eastern Hemisphere meetups.
(4) At least 1 offline meetup per fundーThis was done on a regular basis; there was little demand for Catalyst-only objectives, so they were merged with other objectives.
(1) It is difficult for the general community to remain interested in all 1000+ proposals. Therefore, ““simplicity”” was the key to the deliverables provided to the general community.
(2) It was more important to keep the proposer community than the general community. I did not consider this when writing this proposal because I thought that there would be no proposers from Japan at all, and that such a community would not be possible. Contrary to my expectation, many proposers were actually born in Japan.
I. Next steps for the product or service developed:開発された製品またはサービスの次のステップ:
Utilizing the above reflections…I will carry out the following
・Content that “briefly” introduces dRep
・Content that “briefly” introduces how to become an advisor
・Research on how to introduce proposals more "concisely
・Conduct ongoing surveys
J. Final thoughts/comments:最終的な感想/コメント
In many respects, as noted in the learned points above, my expectations at the time I was preparing this proposal were not met.
(1) The Cardano community was so active that a level of volume of proposals appeared that exceeded the limits of the general community’s capabilities.
(2) The fact that many proposers came from Japan and a proposer community became necessary.
Therefore, I made several changes in the direction of the proposals.
Unfortunately, my proposal was not a great success as planned, thanks to an overly active community.
I also noticed that the proposal states that the funds will be returned if all KPIs are not met, but the means to return the funds will have to wait for Sebastian’s CIP.
Since it is technically difficult to return the funds, I would like to deduct this $400 from my proposal the next time I prepare a proposal, so that I can effectively say that the funds have been returned.I have spent more than ten times the $400 to accomplish this proposal. (especially payments to collaborators in the preparation of the list of proposals)
However, since some of the KPI’s were met and other unplanned results were achieved, in my opinion, the $400 worth of work was done.