Created Yoroi trezor wallet but it is not showing in Trezor suite

Ok, downgrade of the firmware did not help. Still can not find my ADA.

Darn, if you want then hop into my pool’s discord channel so I can try to help.

Also check this thread, might be the same problem as you have.

Tried using an empty passphrase: No Luck

But wait, so when you connect your trezor it askes for a passphrase? If yes and blank passphrase doesn’t work then you have activated a passphrase for this asa wallet! Think hard.

Also try all the passwords you might have used you can try as many times as you wish

Never used a passphrase. I just enabled it and checked if a blank passphrase would enable the ADA account. But no luck.

Ok problem is solved, I have my ADA back, but now I have another problem.
As I wrote in the first pose I created a Yoroi Trezor wallet. What I found out is that I created a Yoroi wallet named Trezor. And not a wallet controlled by Trezor.
To create this wallet I received a different seed. Because I used to have another wallet (XRP) I thought that this newly created seed was from that wallet. After restoring a new wallet with that seed I retrieved my ADA. My mistake in this all was that I never disconnected the Trezor from the computer to see if the wallet disappeared. I did that today and the wallet is still there. So the wallet is not controlled by my Trezor.
Now my problem is how do I let Trezor control the ADA? I must have made a mistake somewhere?

Connect the trezor on go to receive section - copy one address and send from yoroi simple wallet 10 ADA

  • doaconnect the trezor and connect it back… do u see the 10 ADA?
  • restore the trezor with seed words (this way u will not have surprise on future) … do u see the 10 ADA?
    If both above are successffully then send all amounts to trezor

Then start delegation, I am waiting for you :beers:

How do I know it is a Trezor controlled wallet. I just opened Yoroi again and it shows a Shelley - Trezor wallet wallet. With (correctly) 0 ADA. And my Trezor is not connected. I thought the wallet would not show if the Trezor is not connected.

Nope, it will stay there but it will ask for the trezor when u will try to send funds out of the wallet (confirm)

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