Hi, I send ADA from Binance to Yoroi in a wallet connected with my trezor … now I can’t withdraw any of it and can’t also put it in delegation. I can see my funds and make transaction using my trezor, but I get the same error every time … “error recieved from server while sending transaction”
Can someone please help me out
First, connect your trezor on adalite.io and check the balance… if the balance is ok then try to uninstall the yoroi and install it again
Hi, I can’t see balance on adalite
Did u restored the trezor or did u chanced something on it like the password?
No Installed my trezor and then send the ADA from Binance to Yoroi
Show me a screenshot from yoroi (cover the sensitive data)
It’s saying trezor wallet under wallet name?
Ok, and when u connect the wallet on trezor what wallet it shows to you?
It is like a new wallet?
Same wallet
Nothing change when I connect mij Trezor
Can u provide me a wallet address from yoroi and another one from adalite.io?
It looks like adalite restore a new wallet
If u search the yoroi address the funds are there
Then how can I acces my funds if I can’t connect my trezor … I do remember me succeeding installing my trezor on a second attempt. So possebly I might have send to the wrong account? I hope my funds are still recovereble?
Try to install yoroi on an different browser and install yoroi app
Then open yoroi on the new browser:
- add wallet (shelley era)
- connect trezor
also the trezor/cardano app versions are up to date?
Looks like the wallet with my funds on is not the same as the wallet connected to my trezor. I think I am in trouble. I might have made a mistake in the beginning installing my trezor and my funds are in my first attempt. I don’t have seed anymore from my first attempt. any possibility I can still recover my funds?
Did u changed the seed words after the 1st attempt? Should not be the same?try to search the first seed words… must have them somewhere
I’m afraid I did change seed the second time I tryed installing, but only kept the new seed. But I do still think I deposid my funds after I changed the seed the second time. But becouse It’s not connecting now I am confused
But u never tried to perform a transaction after u moved the funds on trezor? Never worked before?
Yes I did multiple transactions with my other coins after installing without having trouble … only now I have this issue with my yoroi wallet? … That’s why I am confused